jyp@wucs1.wustl.edu (Jerome Yvon Plun) (09/10/90)
In addition to what have been said about Fileguard's protection of a volume, let me add a few informations about Folders and Applications protection. Applications: If you want to have ResEdit on your protected machine, you can ask Fileguard to put a launch protection. This way, you need to know the correct password to be able to launch ResEdit. Folders: Once you have created Users and Groups, you can assign each folder access privileges similar to an AppleShare folder (or Unix), i.e. Read Folder, Read File, Write File for Owner/Group/Everyone. We have 8 MacIIcx available to students that are protected using the following scheme: the System folder is accessible only to the administrator. Thus, any other user can NOT open the System folder or can NOT read anything from it, even with ResEdit (System Error -8000, not enough privileges). Also, among the different options for each user is the ability to copy Applications. If this option is not available, you have to be really Mac-knowledgeable to be able to import an application like ResEdit. Most of the normal users won't know how to do that or probably won't try anyway (the typical imported application is a game). So, with the combination Volume-Folder-Application-User access protection, it is possible to really prevent users from messing around. Hope that clarify things. Jerome Jerome Plun jyp@wucs1.wustl.edu // Tell me why is it so hard to say Dept of Computer Science // Brother don't you walk away Washington University // St. Louis, Mo // Hooters "Zig Zag"