rgp@deth.westford.ccur.com (Dick Phillips) (09/10/90)
Create your graphic Call for Print - whereupon you get a dialog box Click OK Then immediately type COMM-F and hold it u ntil the cursor reappears. The result is that you get a Postscript file on the disk. The default name of the first file so-created is PostScript0, the name of a second is PostScript1, etc. My problem is that I am unable to make it happen on either a MAC II or a MAC IIcx, both runnning 6.0.4. software. On the other hand, it does work on an SE30. Is it the case that it does not work on the large machines? Does anyone know of an Init, Fkey, or CDEV that does such a thing? Alternatively, if any of you Apple system programmers out there would care to create such a thing for me, we might get together. Thanks in advance for any replies. Dick Phillips
jason@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Jason) (09/10/90)
rgp@deth.westford.ccur.com (Dick Phillips) writes: > Create your graphic > Call for Print - whereupon you get a dialog box > Click OK > Then immediately type COMM-F and hold it u ntil the cursor > reappears. [ text omitted ] >My problem is that I am unable to make it happen on either a >MAC II or a MAC IIcx, both runnning 6.0.4. software. This function is part of the LaserWriter printer driver. Therefore, you must have the LaserWriter driver in your System Folder and you must select it from the Chooser before printing. -- | | |====================| | | | Jason Watts | \ |\ |\ \ | (jazzin@uiuc.edu) |
km3t@jjmhome.UUCP (Dave Pascoe KM3T) (09/10/90)
In article <52561@masscomp.ccur.com>, rgp@deth.westford.ccur.com (Dick Phillips) writes: > > Create your graphic > Call for Print - whereupon you get a dialog box > Click OK > Then immediately type COMM-F and hold it u ntil the cursor > reappears. > > The result is that you get a Postscript file on the disk. The > default name of the first file so-created is PostScript0, the > name of a second is PostScript1, etc. > > My problem is that I am unable to make it happen on either a > MAC II or a MAC IIcx, both runnning 6.0.4. software. On the > other hand, it does work on an SE30. Is it the case that it > does not work on the large machines? Does anyone know of an > Init, Fkey, or CDEV that does such a thing? Alternatively, if > any of you Apple system programmers out there would care to > create such a thing for me, we might get together. > > Thanks in advance for any replies. > > > Dick Phillips Here's an init called LaserFix. Just put it in your System Folder and reboot your machine. When you print a box will appear in the LaserWriter dialog box that says "Write to disk" or something like that. You can choose a file name instead of Postscript0, etc. Just extract this posting and remove all above the line beginning (This file must be.... You will also have to remove my .signature at the end. Good luck. (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#%aKFf9b4QPi!%P1594%48eZ!3!!!!!!!!!*8!2@!!!!!!%!!!!)V3!!"kd!!!# M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)6'&cCA*'DAKc!J!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!#LdjC9!!!!!!!!#9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!2#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!%5'!1!!"*6NP8!!!!!!!!!!""q[rZ6R&1F@!!!B*19[kN51F$%$iZ!!J[$8[ ZrU4)E[pbU'j)E[pfU'mm1!NXiei+4K!K[(J*,QB'2$J*,'!5$,K3BA9X#RKQ"M` i#RjJ!R`)-#lrLP&!28$rp$!ZriM34Me!rr)`,[rd"N$ri$e!rr!`,[rb"N!!)$e !rrB'4J!S-FB*,10H#NB3)6('#5i-H$rr!SjL-L"i#+3J8#"S!"BJ8!aS!!3!)'8 !!"jC6cm(UKiQ(fF!!"*)E[r`,`1U(bm$UL9J!!#+3UG)H8P$6L-r"kQJ)&mQ5#! )C`!!G#m,6VS!P%*ZrrT#E[riF#!p32rq28$rr(!%28$rjN(ZrqK$l[ri)0NJf5" 63HJ!J#e)rq*)E[rL5'lrH%KZrrK)E[r`2c`!!d+RU1`Y8rrL5'lriNKZrhK)E[r i5'lrm$mm!!&#TkMX,`Y1ZJ!f,`ZTSdKZrhDSI5TI60m)`%jH6R965%pA58j*9(! !,`Na`!)J6R9`!'$f)PmJAk!T6[Vrl#*I)&qJ+Nlkrq*#Cd(k!HB[#+QA0KpR!!# !3UF[2%4*9%`r21!"UD!QAlIm!!!!!'B)2c`!#+R)B%SS#bC69)Y#J$!m!"6Ar!! !!!e#J4)E8N(L3H0"em&4b2rX@)XJ5b!BCL!J%'BF0[`!,cEm!63fr!"*0V`"N!! ["+QU,`5TX#m%UD-b1!&k$!%!"@F@!J%!!3`"!!&Q$$mm!)&1Z[hX9)p1G6mm!)" 1Z[hJ9)p"qJ)!3rS!H*(**!JL1!%-NS)K`3%--$`!#+&'3rS!i#+)-$`!!+&'3rS "$#+)3IS"dN2k!%U4b5!)3IS!3L*i!3bJ,L"i!3``2!!)S%G"qJ#b-$`!!%kk!"j J!!'U51H!3%2k!"U4b5!))(J"$0(!60m#!8je6VVrjU"(6R9)jrrm+'J!%LC))$` !$!!-3IS!UL*-S$aQ!!"J-MJ"HJ)"!!%-!3!"Ce!r2!"N2c`!C%Kk!24)HJ%+3UG )HJ#@2c`!!DRU-$S!M'FZ3IS!N!"#J"!35J"R)J`!!"pY#"!m!"m3[!!I'0K4b2r m0hS!E!!@4IS!XM5m!!&-hcrr6[N!!!!!51Irr$!k!*aR*%Ak!*Bd[!!!)QJ!%LC )3IS!3%+!%"K)3"!CS$aQ"MGk!#`!&NcI2rp1q3!!!!!,8'pcG&0MFQP`G$!,6'& cCA*AFQPdCA)!!!!!!!!!!!!!2b!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#! J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#!J!!!B8f& fC5"3Eh0d8f0bDA"d)%CTE'8J3A-kY3Y3Eh0d8f0bDA"d-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!N6'&cCA*'DAJJ+%-T)$%j16!JBRNJ4'&fD@3J8#iJ8h9YEQ9bY3!!!!"1G3! !!#BP6'&cCA*'DAJJ-5i`)#K$+6%j16!J$84KGQPN)&!Z)&0eE@jPFJ!!!3!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#(R[H!K*#%J)53K)#(RXH!K)+&!)5#K)$dR[4!!!!!!!!!! !!!%!!!!"!!!!!3!!!!%!!!!"!!!!!3!!!!%!!!!"!!!(rrq!!!%!!!!"!!!!!3! !!!%!!!!"!!!!!3!!!!%!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3!!!!-!!!!(!!!!$`!!!"m!! !!rrrr`2rrri$rrrq!rrrrJ2rrri$rrrq!rrrrJ2rrri$rrrq(rrrrKrrrriIrrr qIrrrrRrrrrjrrrrqIrrrrRrrrrjrrrrqIrrrrRrrrrjrrrrqIrrrrRrrrrjrrrr qIrrrrRrrrri$rrrq!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)HHpi#%N)5!K*#%J)HHa i#%JS8!K)+%J25Hp%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!"!!3!!)!)!!"!%!!!)#! !!""!!!!)J!!!"3!!!!)!!!!&!!!!#)!!!""!!!!J)!!!3"!!!)!)!!%!"!!#!!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !2rrrrN!!!J+!#!)#J!m#!S"i!J+!#!2r3!!#!6rrrJ%3!!!"(rrrUa!!!!%3!!! "&!!!!4!!!!%Irrrr&99994rrrrm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rrrrqIrrrr[rrrrlrrrr qrrrrr[rrrrprrrrr2rrrrarrrrmIrrrr(rrrrarrrrmIrrrr(rrrrarrrrmIrrr r%!!!!3!!!"a%48eZ!!!!!8P$6L-!!!!!!)"'8N9'!!!!!!#!!!!!"dP1593!!!! !!!%!!!!)V3!!"kd!!!#M!$&d6!Kd!!!!(!#D!!4*6NP8!!!!+N4&6@i!!!!f580 1)`!#!%*#6N4-!!!!CNC548B!!!"b!!!!!$!!!!!!-A0X!!$rr`!!"%`!-A-`!)$ rrb!!"(B!-A-N!)(rrb!!"AS!!!!!!),rr`!!"Ri!!!!!!)$rr`!!"i)!-A-d!)$ rr`!!"k)!-A0m#%aKFf9b4QPi(,N: -- | Internet: km3t%jjmhome@m2c.m2c.org Dave Pascoe | UUCP: km3t@jjmhome.uucp or ...!{harvard}!m2c!jjmhome!km3t KM3T | Packet Radio: km3t @ k1ugm.ma.usa.na