[comp.sys.mac.misc] Wanted: recommendations on HD partitioning software

jlhaferman@l_eld09.icaen.uiowa.edu (Jeffrey Lawrence Haferman) (09/10/90)

The subject line says it all.  I've seen about 3 different partitioning
programs.  One is the SUM II partitioning init/DA, another is the
Multipartition init/DA that comes with Disk Express, and the third is
2 DA's, one called Hard Disk Partition 2.0, and it's companion is
called Mount/Unmout.  

I guess I really want the partitioning software for doing backups.
I only want to frequently backup documents that I work on often.
I can get by backing up other software less frequently.  
Thus, by partitioning, I can hopefully just backup the partition
of my choosing.

I'd like to hear any comments/caveats/etc on partitioning software
in general, along with recommendations.

Thanks in advance.

Jeff Haferman                            internet: jlhaferman@icaen.uiowa.edu
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Iowa
Iowa City IA  52240

jones@optilink.UUCP (Marvin Jones) (09/11/90)

In article <2294@ns-mx.uiowa.edu>, jlhaferman@l_eld09.icaen.uiowa.edu (Jeffrey Lawrence Haferman) writes:
> Multipartition init/DA that comes with Disk Express, and the third is
> Thus, by partitioning, I can hopefully just backup the partition
> of my choosing.
> Jeff Haferman                            internet: jlhaferman@icaen.uiowa.edu

One caution re: MultiDisk (and MultiPartition) from Alsoft:  

These programs only provide soft partitioning (or "canister" partitioning) 
of the hard disk.  This may cause some backup programs (like DiskFit) to not 
recognize the partitions as independent volumes, thus defeating your 
desire to only backup part of your data.  Being an avid user of DiskExpress, 
I went for the Alsoft promo on MultiDisk, but immediately ran into problems 
with the partitions it generated.  I switched to SilverLining for the disk 
management, and have had no problems whatsoever.  I backup with DiskFit (on 
selected partitions), and ExpressTape (all partitions, plus archiving).  

BTW, anyone want a copy of MultiDisk?!! ;-)  ;-)

 === Marvin Jones === Optilink Corp. === Petaluma, CA === 707.795.9444 X206 === 
 === UUCP: {uunet, tekbspa, pyramid, pixar}!optilink!jones ==================== 
 === CIS: 71320,3637 or 71320.3637@compuserve.com === AOL: mjones =============

peter@hari.VIEWlogic.com (Peter Colby) (09/12/90)

In article <2294@ns-mx.uiowa.edu>, jlhaferman@l_eld09.icaen.uiowa.edu
(Jeffrey Lawrence Haferman) writes:
|> I guess I really want the partitioning software for doing backups.
|> I only want to frequently backup documents that I work on often.
|> I can get by backing up other software less frequently.  
|> Jeff Haferman

        There are many good reasons for partitioning your harddisk but ease
of backups isn't one of them.

        I would recommend using a configurable backup program like
Restrospective by Dantz that lets you build scripts and identify specific
files for backup as well as having such things like time/date and filetype
filters! (I don't own a backup program and I'm sure there are many other
fine examples, I just can't remember their names.)

        On the subject of partitions, I would recommend only using a "hard"
(ie: driver supported) partitioning scheme. The drivers for many commercial
HDs support hard partitions, and several "third party" drivers do as well.
I personally use SilverLining by LaCie for my homebrew SCSI disks and I've
been more than happy. SilverLining supports many different partitioning
schemes (including AUX partitions as far as I can tell). It allows you
to resize an existing partition (if it was set up properly), add partitions
to a functioning disk, password protect partitions, automount (at bootup)
specific partitions or mount explicitly via a DA, and mount initially
unmountable partitions such as on a removable drive. It will handle almost
any disk you can throw at it. It is available from most mail-order houses
and I've also seen it in retail computer stores.

DISCLAIMER: Not only have I never worked for LaCie, I have no intention of
doing so in the future (of course, they COULD make me an offer I couldn't
refuse..... but they haven't yet).

        Peter Colby

      (O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)     (O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)
      (O) !the doctor is out! (O)     (0) peter@viewlogic.com (0)
      (O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)     (O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)