[comp.sys.mac.misc] Screen Snapshots with menu down

ollef@sics.se (Olle Furberg) (09/14/90)

I want to make screen snapshots with a menu down. There used to be
some tools for this (DA etc), but I guess they are all to old for System
6.0x. Could someone give me a hint of an utility of this kind?


pillera@etd4260a.erim.org (Joe Pillera) (09/14/90)

There is an excellent shareware utility called FlashIt (I believe
$15).  Write to:

  Nobu Toge
  PO Box 7114
  Menlo Park, CA  94026


Joe Pillera                              ERIM
pillera@etd4260a.erim.org                Image Processing Systems Division
(313) 994-1200 x2754                     P.O. Box 8618
                                         Ann Arbor, Michigan  48107-8618

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are solely those of Joe Pillera,
            and not of ERIM or its affiliates.

Adam.Frix@p2.f200.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Adam Frix) (09/15/90)

Olle Furberg writes in a message on 13 Sep 90:

OF>  I want to make screen snapshots with a menu down. There used 
OF>  to be some tools for this (DA etc), but I guess they are all 
OF>  to old for System 6.0x. Could someone give me a hint of an utility 
OF>  of this kind? ...

Here are the docs and .hqx (non-archived) for the very tiny but useful MenuPicture
INIT.  The docs explain it all.  I use it all the time, and can even get pictures
of drop-down menus in dialog boxes.  Enjoy.



MenuPicture INIT
by Douglas S. Wyatt
Opcode Systems
1024 Hamilton Ct.
Menlo Park, CA  94025

(Check out our MIDI hardware and software!)

Version 1.01, August 4, 1988

* FREEWARE * but you MUST distribute this documentation with the software. 
Also, you may NOT charge *anything* for it without my permission.  I have some
lawyer friends...

copyright1988 Douglas S. Wyatt

What it is

This little piece of software allows FKEY's (command-shift-number key combinations)
to get executed while the mouse is down.  It lets the command-shift-3 FKEY in
the system make screen pictures while you have a menu pulled down, for instance.


To install MenuPicture INIT, simply drag it into your System Folder and restart
your Macintosh.  Drag it out of the System Folder and restart to remove the
INIT.  To temporarily disable it, hold down just about any key while your Mac
boots (Shift is a sure bet).  You will find that while the mouse is down, if
the command and Shift keys are  down, the system will respond to things you
type (like command-shift-3, which creates a MacPaint image of the screen).

Depending on your needs, you may or may not want the cursor visible in your
picture.  If either the Caps Lock key or Control key (on new keyboards) is down,
the cursor will be hidden in the picture.  If both Caps Lock and Control are
up, the cursor will be visible.

How it Works

MenuPicture works by patching the Macintosh ROM routine StillDown.  Every time
StillDown is called, the INIT sees if there is a key-down event pending, and
if the command and shift keys are down.  If so, it calls GetNextEvent, which
processes the event.

Bugs, etc.

Nobody's perfect.  There may be some program out there that won't work with
this INIT.   If you have problems, please write me at the address above.  No
phone calls, please.  

(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)

Adam Frix via cmhGate - Net 226 fido<=>uucp gateway Col, OH
UUCP: ...!osu-cis!n8emr!cmhgate!200.2!Adam.Frix
INET: Adam.Frix@p2.f200.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG