[comp.sys.mac.misc] Appleshare on Unix server

murphy@excalibur.cs.unc.edu (Ransom Murphy) (09/18/90)

The following software supports some kind of
Appleshare on Unix server:

Alisa Share	Alisa Systems	818-792-9474
GatorShare	Cayman Systems	???
KA-Share	Mt. Xinu	415-644-0146
uShare		Info.Pres.Tech.	818-342-7791
PacerShare	Pacer Software	508-898-3300

Any info anyone has on these would be appreciated.


Ransom Murphy 			Internet: murphy@cs.unc.edu
Department of Computer Science	PH# 919-962-1708
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC  27599

scout@pacvax.UUCP (Peter Coppola) (09/19/90)

In article <16096@thorin.cs.unc.edu> murphy@excalibur.cs.unc.edu (Ransom 
Murphy) writes:
> The following software supports some kind of
> Appleshare on Unix server:
> Alisa Share     Alisa Systems   818-792-9474
> GatorShare      Cayman Systems  ???
> KA-Share        Mt. Xinu        415-644-0146
> uShare          Info.Pres.Tech. 818-342-7791
> PacerShare      Pacer Software  508-898-3300
> Any info anyone has on these would be appreciated.
My understanding is Alisa does not offer a UNIX product.  They have 
been/are our traditional rival in the VMS market.  My observation is (feel 
free to correct/flame me if I'm wrong) they have been focusing on mail 
integration products.  They have denied having any such plans whenever 
questioned about moving into the UNIX market. 

PacerShare is currently available (Phase 1) for Ultrix, with Phase 2 to 
follow in 4-6 weeks.  We also have versions running on Interactive UNIX 
version 2.2, HP 9000 300/800 and the DG AViiON.  These products are all 
Phase 2.  Our Phase 2 product for the Sun is under development.

regards -Peter-

Peter B. Coppola
1900 W. Park Dr., Suite 280
Westboro, MA 01581
(508) 898-3300
AppleLink: PACER
Usenet: ...!pacvax!pcoppola
"Quality software tastefully presented."

matthew@ooc.uva.nl (Matthew Lewis) (09/20/90)

murphy@excalibur.cs.unc.edu (Ransom Murphy) writes:

>The following software supports some kind of
>Appleshare on Unix server:

>Alisa Share	Alisa Systems	818-792-9474
>GatorShare	Cayman Systems	???
>KA-Share	Mt. Xinu	415-644-0146
>uShare		Info.Pres.Tech.	818-342-7791
>PacerShare	Pacer Software	508-898-3300

>Any info anyone has on these would be appreciated.

You left one out.  Last week I saw a product called EtherShare, from a German
company called Helios.  Ine second, let me look for their address...

	Helios Software GmbH
	Lavestrasse 80
	D-3000 Hannover 1
	Federal Republic of Germany (or just Germany :-)
	Telephone: +49 511 36 81 093
	Fax:	   +49 511 36 81 095

the (+) means whatever your international access number is (011 for the

It is a complete AppleShare implementation for Unix.  It runs rhight now
definitely on DEC under (I think) Ultrix, on Suns under Sun OS 4.1, and they
are working on (among others) the IBM RS/6000.

This is a nice package.  The administrative frontend looks remarkably like
AppleShare Admin.  It works directly on the /etc/group and /etc/passwd file,
so you have to be root to run it.  It maintains a separate password file as
well, with the AppleShare format encryption.  Users can change their own
passwords, which changes both the AppleSHare pw file and /etc/passwd.

Printers can be set up within the admin program as well.  It makes the
appropriate entries in /etc/printcap, creates the spool directories,
everything.  It supports spooling to LocalTalk or serial, as well as a TCP
option which I do not know any more about.  Ask me ina month, after we test
it on site.  

It talks Ethertalk directly.  Further info to come after we test it here.
But the admin program is definitely a step inthe right direction.  I
understand that the AlisaShare people saw it, and went back to write one of
their own just like it.

Matthew Lewis
Sys Admin, CICT/OOC
Univ. of Amsterdam
Matthew Lewis, University of Amsterdam		Grote Bickersstraat 72
+31-20-52 51 220				1013 KS  Amsterdam
Internet: matthew@ooc.uva.nl			The Netherlands
UUCP:	  uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!uvabick!matthew

matthew@ooc.uva.nl (Matthew Lewis) (09/20/90)

Just one more note about EtherShare.  It speaks Phase I and Phase II, I

Matthew Lewis, University of Amsterdam		Grote Bickersstraat 72
+31-20-52 51 220				1013 KS  Amsterdam
Internet: matthew@ooc.uva.nl			The Netherlands
UUCP:	  uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!uvabick!matthew