wylie@watnow (Robert Wylie) (09/21/90)
I have been wondering why all the Mac software developers aren't porting their products to Unix now that there are some reasonably well established interface standards. We read (in a now-defunct thread whos name escapes me) that Sun now offers low end Sparcs which are faster, have larger memory (both RAM and disk), and have bigger screens per $ than the high-end Macs (eg. compare an IPC to a IIci). The only counter argument was that software is more expensive and there is less of a selection (although the point was made that there is a large supply of research software available for unix if you have the patience, skills and interest to deal with it). So...with that huge installed base of suns and hps and god knows what else, all running the same os (system V with the berkley extensions) and the same windowing system (X-11), why aren't you application developers in there like a bunch of wolves chewing up the obviously un-competitive Unix application developers? Surely, it is reasonably simple to reimplement a mature product on a different platform (?). I would like to hear comments on this because I have to buy a machine in the next little while- and if everybody and his brother is secretly preparing Unix based offerings then I will buy a Sun ('cause thats what all my friends use) otherwise I will have to buy a Mac ('cause as it stands, a mac would be a lot more useful (and fun) at home). I await you replies with baited breath, Rob Wylie