[comp.sys.mac.misc] System 7.0 Prediction

leue@galen.crd.ge.com (Bill Leue) (09/26/90)

My crystal ball suddenly came alive and offered me a glimpse of 
what looks like an Apple press release dated March 1, 1991:

"...and to serve our customers better, Apple has decided to transfer
the further development and distribution of the MacOS to Claris Corp, who
will begin shipping an enhanced version of System 7.0 in November, 1991 for
an amount of money to be determined.  Meanwhile,  for all you peasants 
out there, a "limited" version of the new System will continue to be
shipped with every Mac.  This limited System does not support hard disks
or printing, but our marketing department has determined that few of
our customers need or deserve such items anyway.  Thank you for your

I suppose that I ought to put in a few smiley's, just in case someone
takes this seriously.  :-) :-).  On the other hand, it's not all that
funny, is it?

All the usual disclaimers apply, in spades!

-Bill Leue