After attending the Apple new products show, I obtain the following information about new MacLC and MacIIsi. MacLC 16-MHz 68020 020 Direct Slot 2MB RAM (expandable to 10MB) 512k VRAM (optional) Sound input and output (it is not stereo but the sound driver output sound to both sides of the stereo headphone) Apple IIe card (optional) Build in 8-bit Video output 40 MB internal drive (Single and dual floppy drives configurations available in education market only) MacIIsi 20-MHz 68030 68882 (optional) 2MB RAM (expandable to 17MB RAM) MacIIsi NuBus Adapter Card or 030 Direct Slot Adapter Card (both of them include 68882 co-processor) Buil in 8-bit Video output Stereo soud input and output 40 or 80 MB internal drive Both machines come with superdrives.