[comp.sys.mac.misc] New Macs: UK pricing details - WOW!

phil@anduin.cs.liverpool.ac.uk (Phil Jimmieson) (10/18/90)

New Macintoshes: prices and info.

This is a list of the new Mac prices in the UK which I got from AppleCentre
Liverpool.  I hope this is the right group to post it to.  I'm told that if
people want to buy in bulk that further price reductions are negotiable. 
Sounds good to me.  Prices given here are in pounds sterling and subject to ye
olde VAT at 15%.  ("SRP" is Standard Retail Price - "Educ." is Educational

Part No.    Product Description                         SRP           Educ.
M0495B/A  Macintosh Classic  1/Fl                       575.00        490.00
          (with 68000, 1MB RAM, Keyboard, mouse,
           internal 1.44Mb floppy, integral screen)

M0498B/A  Macintosh Classic 2/40                        895.00        775.00
          (as above but with 2Mb RAM, internal HD40SC)

M0442B/A  Macintosh LC                                 1235.00       1065.00
          (with 68020, 2Mb RAM, keyboard, mouse,
           microphone, internal 1.44Mb floppy and
           internal HD40SC)

M0363B/A  Macintosh IIsi 2/40                          2295.00       1606.50
          (with 68030, 2MB RAM, mouse,microphone
           internal 1.44Mb floppy and internal HD 40SC)

M0362B/A  Macintosh IIsi 5/40                          2645.00       1851.50
          (as above but with 5Mb RAM)

M0364B/A  Macintosh IIsi 5/80                          2995.00       2096.50
          (as above but with Internal HD 80SC)

M0298Z/A  Macintosh 12" monochrome monitor              140.00        120.00

M0297Z/A  Macintosh 12" colour monitor                  260.00        220.00

Macintosh Classic and IIsi are available now.  The LC will ship in January '91.

Due to the intro of the Classic, notice is hereby given of the discontinuance
of the SE and Plus.

Some other prices have been reduced - for example the portable has fallen from
2730.00 (for the 2/40) to 1844.50.  An SE/30 2/40 now costs 1556.75.  See any
Applecentre for full details of new prices/availability etc.  All of these
prices are VAT exclusive.  Me, I'm off to sell my grandmother to get a IIsi
5/80 with a colour screen - at least now I don't have to try to sell her at too
high a price...  :-)

Phil Jimmieson,           ***************************************************
Computer Science Dept.,   * JANET    : phil@uk.ac.liv.cs.and                *
Liverpool University,     * INTERNET : phil@and.cs.liv.ac.uk                *
PO Box 147                ***************************************************
Liverpool  L69  3BX    "This message contains wit, sophistication, class,
(UK) 051-794-3689       style, and 3 other words I don't understand as well..."

Disclaimer:  I have tried to enter pricing and other information as accurately
as I can - I accept no repsonsibility for any typing wrist-aches...  I have no
connection with the AppleCentre Liverpool other than the fact that they are
about 100 yards away from my office.  Thankyou for listening, this has been a
public service announcement.