[comp.sys.mac.misc] Help requested: how to convert a Bitmap to EPFS

rene@ascom.uucp (Rene Bach) (10/25/90)

Dear Neters,

	I am posting this for a friend. Please reply per Email to
rene@tech.ascom.ch. My friend would like to import a Bitmap file
generated by, for example dumping the screen (or a MacPaint file) to a
Encapsulated Postcript file. He has tried to import such a bitmap file
as a EPFS file into TeX or FreeHand or Pagemaker without success. The
goal is to prepare a user manual using TeX that contains figures
illustrating the screen state of the application he has developed.

Creating a Postcript file with Option-K while printing DOESN'T create
an EPFS file. 

He would use WORD if it would support/allow cross-references.
(automatic figures numbering and reference to these numbers).

Thanks for any reply and I will summarize to the net if warranted.
Rene bach