When using AutoMac III is there a way to set up a global macro that can be executed from within any application? E-mail or post replies. Thank you! ********************************************************** * Steve Trottier * AOL: STrottier * * Brigham Young University * Sysop, Mainly Macintosh BBS * * * (801) 374-5438 * ********************************************************** (Boris Levitin) (10/30/90) writes: >When using AutoMac III is there a way to set up a global macro that can be >executed from within any application? E-mail or post replies. Thank you! I *think* anything that will work out of the Finder should work out of other applications, but honestly I never got so far, for the following reason: *** WARNING: OBSOLETE, UNSUPPORTED PRODUCT *** Recently I needed to write a macro. Not owning Tempo II, I tried the Automac III I got with Word. It crashed my system as if it was specifically designed to do that: immediately and reliably. Microsoft Tech Support said the problem was with my MultiFinder 6.1b9 and I should call Automac's publisher to see whether an update was available. Automac's publisher said, "an update will not be forthcoming, ever, because we're tired of having to rewrite it after every system software change by Apple [this was right after the introduction of System 6.0.5], so we're dropping all support for Automac III [this seems to be news to Microsoft] and concentrating on developing vertical- market applications. Please buy Tempo II." [paraphrasing] If you insist on using Automac III, you should be aware that it: * will not work with (I think) any system software version later than 6.0.5; * will not work with MultiFinder 6.1b7 or 6.1b9 (the ones with the "set aside" feature; despite its Beta designation, 6.1b9 is perfectly nice and stable, and I say that as a user who gives it quite a workout) * is almost guaranteed not to work with System 7.0. And when it crashes, there'll be nothing you would be able to do other than to keep your system permanently retarded to the pre-6.0.5 era (or throw away all your hard-fought-for macros). By the way, I have absolutely no financial interest in Tempo II or its publisher (Affinity Microsystems of Boulder, CO), so I can say that, while the product is in some ways imperfect (macros are not fully editable, promises of a free editor to early purchases remain unfulfilled several years later, etc) it's the best tool there is for macroing on the Mac, and is likely to remain so at least until AppleScript appears and matures (Tempo II just got a tools package which includes such goodies as variable handling, bitmap comparison, an Excel external, and copy-to-type for those un-Mac-like applications). Boris Levitin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WGBH Public Broadcasting, Boston Audience & Marketing Research wgbx! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily coincide with those of my employer or anyone else. The WGBH tag is for ID only.)