[comp.sys.mac.misc] Mixed graphic/text printing fails w/background printing

laver@siodo.UCSD.EDU (Mick Laver) (11/01/90)

I have both a MacWrite and a WordPerfect doc that have pages with mixed
bitmapped graphics and text. The images are fairly complex, but not

Anyway, when I go to print these with backgroud printing ON under
multifinder, the rest of the docs print fine but the graphics pages
come out blank. If I print with background printing OFF, everything
prints fine. I'm not running out of disk space (about 40MB free) so
that's not it. Clues, anyone?

Other relevent info: Mac SE w/4MB, System 6.05, ATM 1.02 (and the usual
host of INITs and CDEVs, including MacTCP, Moire, Gatekeeper and GK
Aid, TOPS, and Public Folder.) Printer is a LaserWriter IINT.

Mick Laver                                         laver@ucsd.edu
Scripps Institution of Oceanography                U.C. San Diego
La Jolla, CA. USA  92093-0210                      (619) 534-2040