[comp.sys.mac.misc] 6.0.7 and sounds

rrr@u02.svl.cdc.com (Rich Ragan) (11/03/90)

I recently upgraded my system to 6.0.7. Contrary to previous
announcements, MacinTalk still works and Hypercard 1.2.5 still
seems to work (at least based on a small test). However, of my
25 or so sounds, about 10 of them crash the system (such as 
Piano and F Troop). Has anyone else seen similar behavior? Is
there a way to "sanitize" previously OK sounds so the new
sound manager of 6.0.7 can use them? 
Richard R. Ragan  rrr@svl.cdc.com  (408) 496-4340 
Control Data Corporation--Silicon Valley Operations

baumgart@esquire.dpw.com (Steve Baumgarten) (11/06/90)

In article <28215@shamash.cdc.com>, rrr@u02 (Rich Ragan) writes:
>I recently upgraded my system to 6.0.7. Contrary to previous
>announcements, MacinTalk still works and Hypercard 1.2.5 still
>seems to work (at least based on a small test). However, of my
>25 or so sounds, about 10 of them crash the system (such as 
>Piano and F Troop). Has anyone else seen similar behavior? Is
>there a way to "sanitize" previously OK sounds so the new
>sound manager of 6.0.7 can use them? 

This happens for two reasons:

	1. Some sounds have garbage in their header fields; prior to
	   System 6.0.7, these fields were ignored.

	2. The 6.0.7 Sound Manager is broken in a number of ways, and
	   the lack of sanity-checking code is just one of them.

There are a few ways to solve it:

	1. Use ResEdit to zero out the offending fields.

	2. Use Sound Mover to copy the sounds to a new file.  You can
	   just copy all the sounds from one suitcase to a new
	   suitcase -- you don't have to choose only the offending

	3. Go back to System 6.0.5  [my personal favorite].   :-)

The second way is obviously the easiest, and it seems to be

Interestingly, Sound Mover seems to contain just the sanity-checking
code that Apple failed to include in the Sound Manager, since it will
play the questionable sounds without problem.  It's an all-around nice
utility, and it should be available on America Online, CompuServe, etc.

Also, Hypercard 1.2.5 will work under 6.0.7 -- at least until it has
to make a sound.  Just type "beep" into the message box and viola!
Your Mac crashes.  Let's hear it for backward compatibility, eh?

   Steve Baumgarten             | "New York... when civilization falls apart,
   Davis Polk & Wardwell        |  remember, we were way ahead of you."
   baumgart@esquire.dpw.com     | 
   cmcl2!esquire!baumgart       |                           - David Letterman

bayes@hpislx.HP.COM (Scott Bayes) (11/07/90)

> Also, Hypercard 1.2.5 will work under 6.0.7 -- at least until it has
> to make a sound.  Just type "beep" into the message box and viola!
I thought that was typically "sax" or "harpsichord" in HyperCard.

> Your Mac crashes.  Let's hear it for backward compatibility, eh?

Scott Bayes
Music Lover