v067qklp@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Danielle T Mazzotta) (12/04/90)
UGH. What's the first thing we're taught and the last thing we put off with regards to our computer experience? BACKUPS. Well, as many system administrators are (and many aren't too!), this one I know never had any formal training with proper procedures, etc. and had no backups.. until now it is too late. He was using FoxBase(+?) and accidentally told it to erase an imperative data file. I believe it probably only reset the desktop file and in one way or another modified the file-length attribute (is there one?) and perhaps move the EOF marker to the first sector of where the data originally resided... but I don't know this. Basically, I'm wondering if there is a sudo-easy way to recover his datafile? Any help would be greatly appreciated.... Thanx, --Danielle P.S. Anyone know of any good Mac database software with networking support? Rumor has it that FoxBase bombs too often to be reliable.. has anybody had experience to support that?