J.Purchase@cs.ucl.ac.uk (Jan Purchase) (12/05/90)
My IIcx has recently developed a problem which is rendering it increasingly
unusable. I would be eternally grateful for any advice as to what the
problem is and how to solve it.
My usual MO is to leave the Mac plugged in (and switched on at the plug) at
all times, so that I only have to hit one button to fire it up. On average I
use it for 14 hours per day.
One morning I noticed that the system had powered itself up in the small
hours of the previous night (at about 2.30 am according to my accounting
system). This was an isolated event and I thought no more of it. Of late,
however, this has been occurring with increasing frequency; more worrying
still, it has powering down without warning during use, only to power up
again (of its own accord) 10-15 minutes later.
This problem has escalated to the point that the machine is now unable to
remain on or off for more than 6 minutes without changing state.
My configuration is:
Mac IIcx 5M memory, 40+120Mb HD, system 6.0.4, multifinder 6.1b7
INIT/CDEV: Boomerang, SuperClock! 3.0.
Any ideas?
Must I call the engineers in (a new PSU is 100 quid!) ?
Any help gratefully received,
FROM : Jan Andrew Purchase | Snail: Room 208, PhD Lab.,
| Computer Science Dept.,
JANET : J.Purchase@uk.ac.ucl.cs | University College,
ARPANET : J.Purchase@cs.ucl.ac.uk | London, UK.
UUCP : {... ukc!}ucl.cs!purchase |
(these are my views, and are not necessarily those of UCL)