olaf@cbnewsc.att.com (olaf.henjum) (12/08/90)
Racal-Vadic VA212PA EXTERNAL Modem Baud rate: 300/1200, and possibly 2400 (I never tried to do it) HARDWARE Features Include: RS-232 interface ONLY (usable with many different makes of computers). Automatic pulse or tone dialing. Auto-dialer with single-number editing and call-linking. Stores up to 15 phone numbers (up to 31 digits each). Automatic redial of last number on demand. Programmable from front-mounted control panel OR from PC/terminal. Fully Hayes-compatible. Uses independent power supply with UPS battery backup (Racal-Vadic part number VA2054). Intended for use in an office environment that may have to network PCs with lots of different and mutually incompatible architectures. Physical layout: easy-to-see LCD control/status line and membrane keypad buttons mounted at front end of thin, flat "black box" designed to be placed under a standard desk phone. It will operate just fine WITHOUT a phone, but the physical layout of the unit is clearly designed for unobtrusive connection to an outlet that's already got a desk phone plugged into it. I suppose one could park a SCSI drive on top of it, instead (or some other appropriately sized external device). CAVEAT: There are two parts missing from this unit, the power supply mentioned above and the user's guide. These parts can be obtained by phone from Delta Communications, Wisconsin, (414) 774-7270, for $65 ($50 for the power supply, $15 for the user's guide). If this is too far away for you, Racal-Vadic might be able to refer you to a closer supplier: their number is (201) 536-7000. I do not know if there is a substitute part (e.g., a Radio Shack transformer) that would fit in place of the manufacturer's power supply. As far as I know, this unit works fine. I just can't justify replacing the power supply when an INTERNAL CARD PC modem costs $85 or less. I'm hoping someone "out there" has a specific need for an EXTERNAL modem (which usually start at $150 new and go up from there). I will consider any offer where you pay for the cost of shipping it to you. Highest bid in next two weeks (i.e., before Christmas) wins. Please respond to (USENET:) att!iexist!olaf or to (708) 790-9099. Thank you. -- Olaf Henjum (att!iexist!olaf)