mjkobb@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Michael J Kobb) (12/18/90)
Greetings, Recently, MS Word (4.00B) has begun beeping at me while running the spelling checker. It beeps once when it displays a misspelled word. This has begun happening only recently, and it is not consistent -- in other words, it does not always beep when it finds a misspelling, just on some of them. I've given up on Microsoft's awful manual for this program, so if anyone can tell me why it's doing this, and if it's possible to stop it, I'd appreciate it. My system: Mac IIx, system 6.0.5, Multifinder 6.1b7, and roughly 20 inits which I'm too tired to mention, but which were all present when it didn't beep... PLEASE email me, as I certainly can't keep up with the traffic on this group on a regular basis. I'll summarize if I get a solution. Thanks, --Mike