[comp.sys.mac.misc] Why color - Brief Summary

RMG3@psuvm.psu.edu (01/22/91)

  About a week ago I posted requesting peoples' reasons for _needing_ color in
the absence of a color hardcopy device.

  The brief summary is:
1) If you work in multimedia the hardcopy device is often irrelevant, and
color can enhance the video substantially.

2) You can prepare slides and film loops with the Mac, and color can make
a big contribution to presentations.

3) Games often require (or look a lot better) with color.

4) Because without color, all the pc-clone users waste your time telling you
what a lousy machine the Mac is if it doesn't have color.

5) So you can run color modules on your screen saver.

  I was afraid that I'd forgotten something terribly obvious.  It appears
that I haven't.  Number 4 is sort of a given, regardless of the situation
PC-clones will tell you how bad the Mac is.  (The mac has its problems, but
seldom are they what the cloners talk about.)

My thanks to the respondents,
The full summary will appear shortly.
Bob Grumbine a.k.a. rmg3@psuvm.psu.edu