[comp.sys.mac.misc] FoxBASE+/Mac help

ralph@unifybb.uucp (Florida State U./ISPA) (01/29/91)

        I have the following FoxBASE+/Mac database structure:

        Field   Field Name      Type            With    Dec
        ------- --------------- --------------- ------- ---
        1       bud_no          Character       10
        2       level           Character        1
        3       stu_name        Character       50
        4       dept            Character       20
        5       stipend         Numeric         11       2

        I would like to have a multi-entry form for the above
        structure that looks like this:

    |   Bud_no | Level   |Stu_name        |Dept            |Stipend |
    | 344554   | G       | Marcus         |Geo             |  123.00|
    |    "     |   "     |     "          |       "        |    "   |
    |          |         |                |                |        |
    |          |         |                |                |        |
    |          |         |                |                |        |

        I would really appreciate any suggestions as to how
        to code this type of form.  I'm new to FoxBASE+/Mac and
        I need to get this form ready as quickly as possible.

        Ralph Axel Zuniga       Ph:  (904)644-3410
                               Fax:  (904)574-6704

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