[comp.sys.mac.misc] Launch qc b2 mucks with afterdark & superclock 3.9

sm196103@seas.gwu.edu (Scott Cherkofsky) (01/27/91)

I have just recently downloaded the newest version of Launch!  I like it based
on its new speed, but there seem to be a few bugs that have not yet been 
exterminated.  EXTERMINATE, EX-TERM-IN-ATE, EX-TERM-IN-ATE!!  as a Daleck
would put it.  

Anyway, when Launch is the active window, my screen saver (Afterdark 2.0t) will
not come on after the set timeout limit.  Nor will AD come on after I move
the mouse to the 'sleep' corner.

Also, when launch is the active window, Superclock 3.9 will not continue to
function (although when I make any other application, like finder or
Macwrite II, active the clock will keep perfect time - even catching up with
the time lost due to the stoppage in Launch) 

This is not unlike when Superclock stops due to the CPU doing stuff - almost
as if I were destuffing or something where the clock temporarily locks up.

Is this because Launch is doing something in the background all the time or
is it a bug?  Who knows, if YOU do, please reply and let me know if you have
similar problems.


Scott Cherkofsky			"The experience of going through
sm196103@seas.GWU.edu			 life may be intended as a warning
Mechanical Engineering student		 not to do it again."
Executive Office of the President		-- Ashleigh Brilliant

beard@ux5.lbl.gov (Patrick C Beard) (01/30/91)

In article <2632@sparko.gwu.edu> sm196103@seas.gwu.edu (Scott Cherkofsky) writes:
#I have just recently downloaded the newest version of Launch!  I like it based
#on its new speed, but there seem to be a few bugs that have not yet been 
#exterminated.  EXTERMINATE, EX-TERM-IN-ATE, EX-TERM-IN-ATE!!  as a Daleck
#would put it.  
#Anyway, when Launch is the active window, my screen saver (Afterdark 2.0t) will
#not come on after the set timeout limit.  Nor will AD come on after I move
#the mouse to the 'sleep' corner.
#Also, when launch is the active window, Superclock 3.9 will not continue to
#function (although when I make any other application, like finder or
#Macwrite II, active the clock will keep perfect time - even catching up with
#the time lost due to the stoppage in Launch) 

Sounds like Launch isn't calling SystemTask, which is why neither Superclock
nor After Dark seem to be getting time.  Sounds like a bug to me.

-  Patrick Beard, Macintosh Programmer                        (beard@lbl.gov) -
-  Berkeley Systems, Inc.  ".......<dead air>.......Good day!" - Paul Harvey  -