[comp.sys.mac.misc] -HOW DO I UPGRADE MY 4*8 VIDCARD CHEAPLY??

Justin_Randall_Padawer@cup.portal.com (01/30/91)

I have an Apple 4*8 video card and would like to upgrade it to
a 24-bit 8*24 configuration.  I see there are some SIMM sockets
on the card, but I don't see anyone advertising these kinds of
SIMMs in the back of MacWeek cheaply.  Two questions...
1) Will I be forced to pay Apple's premium price?  And what is
   their price to upgrade this card?
2) Are there other alternatives to Apple?
(I notice the above two questions are really just flip sides of
the same question, but I'm too lazy right now to invoke our
*horrible* retype/textedit, so I'll let it go.  :-)
Any help regarding information about 4*8-to-8*24 would be 
much appreciated.  
Randy Padawer