[comp.sys.mac.misc] Look out! He's got Unix!!!

gross@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Mondo) (02/04/91)

In article <3120@unccvax.uncc.edu>, cs00jec@unccvax.uncc.edu (Jim Cain) writes:

> After 4 years of being a die-hard Mac evangelist, I patiently await the
> arrival of my NeXT. For about $3200 edu, I could not justify getting
> less than what the NeXT offers by sticking with my religion and buying
> a Mac IIsi. And I've got UNIX!!

And this is something to brag about???!! :)

Jason Gross     Comp Sci Ugrad     University of Miami     Class of '91 (?)
Hey, wanna save the world? | Got sumtin' to say?        gross@umiami.bitnet
Nuke a Godless, Communist, | Pick and choose!     gross@umiami.ir.miami.edu  
gay whale for Christ.      |                      gross@miavax.ir.miami.edu
              - Anonymous  |                     jgross@umbio.med.miami.edu
               The University of Miami has a lovely fountain. 

cs00jec@unccvax.uncc.edu (Jim Cain) (02/05/91)

In article <1991Feb3.195447.7756@umiami.ir.miami.edu> gross@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Mondo) writes:
>In article <3120@unccvax.uncc.edu>, cs00jec@unccvax.uncc.edu (Jim Cain) writes:
>> After 4 years of being a die-hard Mac evangelist, I patiently await the
>> arrival of my NeXT. For about $3200 edu, I could not justify getting
>> less than what the NeXT offers by sticking with my religion and buying
>> a Mac IIsi. And I've got UNIX!!
>              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>And this is something to brag about???!! :)

UNIX is certainly not the most elegant OS, but it is what I wanted.
I doubt I could have gotten a Mac IIci (or an si) with A/UX and all
the development stuff for the price I paid for the NeXT.

I use Macs at work (an ad agency) for graphics projects ranging from
simple to extremely complex, and I love them. But for *my* purposes,
(and not having invested any $$$ in Mac apps) NeXT was the best choice.

"This is for comparison only; your actual mileage may [will] differ."

Jim Cain