[comp.sys.mac.misc] Can you link files on a mac?

aland@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu (Alan D Danziger) (01/29/91)

In article <91JAN28.013027@ducvax.auburn.edu> cs220x2a@ducvax.auburn.edu (CS220X) writes:
   In article <1991Jan27.213514.1419@cbnews.att.com>, reo@cbnews.att.com (robert.e.o'brien) writes...
   >Can you link files on a mac?  If so how?  Thanks in advance!

   I assume you mean can you link two text (hqx) files together.  If that's the
   question the answer is yes.
   you need a program called United.  It's available from sumex.

Or, if you mean can you keep your file in one place and access it from
another, the answer is not really, but sort of.  With System 7, you
can get the functionality of unix's ln -s function (Apple calls it
Aliasing) in the finder, but until Sys7 comes out (any ideas, guys?)
the best you can do for documents is to have QuicKeys or OnCue keep
the file in its menu...  As far as applications go, there are some
things you can do (Launch! or a similar program), but I couldn't give
you more details unless I knew specifically what 'problem' you want a
solution to...

Alan D. Danziger,           | 753 South St,Waltham MA 02154 | "What a drag,
aland@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu | MB 3130 / Brandeis University |   it is,
(617) 894-6859 or 647-3720  | PO Box 9110 Waltham MA 02254  |    getting old"

Alan D. Danziger,           | 753 South St,Waltham MA 02154 | "What a drag,
aland@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu | MB 3130 / Brandeis University |   it is,

rfischer@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Ray Fischer) (01/29/91)

reo@cbnews.att.com (robert.e.o'brien) writes ...
>Can you link files on a mac?  If so how?  Thanks in advance!

If this means "can you link several file names to the same file like you
do in Unix with the 'ln' command", the answer is no, not yet.  System 7.0
will be able to do this, but current versions of the OS don't.

Ray Fischer

drd@siia.mv.com (David Dick) (02/06/91)

In <1991Jan28.213957.26221@Neon.Stanford.EDU> rfischer@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Ray Fischer) writes:

>reo@cbnews.att.com (robert.e.o'brien) writes ...
>>Can you link files on a mac?  If so how?  Thanks in advance!

>If this means "can you link several file names to the same file like you
>do in Unix with the 'ln' command", the answer is no, not yet.  System 7.0
>will be able to do this, but current versions of the OS don't.

I think System 7.0 links are only used by Finder or Multifinder,
and are invisible to other programs.  If this is true, it is
deficient, IMHO.

David Dick
Software Innovations, Inc. [the Software Moving Company (sm)]