[comp.sys.mac.misc] Latest version of SoundEdit?

phil@and.cs.liv.ac.uk (Phil Jimmieson) (02/07/91)

What's the current version of SoundEdit? (The software that used to come with
MacRecorder), the version I've got is 2.02. I'm using system 6.07 and would
like to experiment with the sound compression stuff that comes with the new
sound manager - does the latest MacRecorder handle 3:1 and 6:1 compatible
compression? (as opposed to it's own compression system, which has been part of
the software for sometime, but which you couldn't play from other Mac
programs). If there is a new version, as a purchaser of an original version,
and the update to 2.02 with the new manuals how do I go about getting the
latest update in the UK?


Phil Jimmieson,           ***************************************************
Computer Science Dept.,   * JANET    : phil@uk.ac.liv.cs.and                *
Liverpool University,     * INTERNET : phil@and.cs.liv.ac.uk                *
PO Box 147                ***************************************************
Liverpool  L69  3BX    "This message contains wit, sophistication, class,
(UK) 051-794-3689       style, and 3 other words I don't understand as well..."