ksbolduan@amherst.bitnet (02/05/91)
Recently my Laserwriter Plus started jamming anytime I started sending paper through it. I opened it up and found a small spring unnattached but I have no idea where it needs to go. Looking at the printer from the end where the paper goes, the paper always jams on the left side as its trying to go through the final rollers under the green fuzzy plate that warns of high temperature. The spring looks kinda like this, and has a small plastic tab of sorts leading off of it that seems to have been ripped and/or burned through causing it to break. The spring itself is almost exactly 1 inch long and the plastic tab about 1.5 inches: torn end looks like it was heated and stretched () () () plastic tab about 1/8in wide () [] metal square to which the plastic is attached == == a coiled spring == - / \ a metal loop perpindicular to the spring _ | | This part, including the two loops, looks | liks a script "S" - / \ another metal loop - So, anyway, that picture doesn't do the spring justice, but the fact is that it is no longer in the printer and the printer is jamming mercilessly. If anyone knows what this is, or, better, where it goes, please e-mail ASAP. I tried replacing the toner cartridge and it still jammed. Thanks, Kevin Bolduan KSBOLDUAN@AMHERST
ckw@Apple.COM (Christopher K. Wigginton) (02/08/91)
In article <11916.27aec81e@amherst.bitnet>, ksbolduan@amherst.bitnet writes: > Recently my Laserwriter Plus started jamming anytime I started sending paper > through it. I opened it up and found a small spring unnattached but I have no > idea where it needs to go. Looking at the printer from the end where the paper > goes, the paper always jams on the left side as its trying to go through the > final rollers under the green fuzzy plate that warns of high temperature. The > spring looks kinda like this, and has a small plastic tab of sorts leading off > of it that seems to have been ripped and/or burned through causing it to break. > The spring itself is almost exactly 1 inch long and the plastic tab about 1.5 > inches: > torn end looks like it was heated and stretched > () > () > () plastic tab about 1/8in wide > () > [] metal square to which the plastic is attached > == > == a coiled spring > == > - > / \ a metal loop perpindicular to the spring > _ > | > | This part, including the two loops, looks > | liks a script "S" > - > / \ another metal loop > - > > So, anyway, that picture doesn't do the spring justice, but the fact is that it The part should be the Separation Belt that separates the paper from the toner cartridge. Most of the printers were shipped with extra ones located inside on the right in a little plastic bag. This bag also included instructions. If your printer does not have extra ones, contact your local service center and they can order them for you. Regards, Christopher Kent Wigginton Apple Assistance Center 1-800-776-2333 -- ____________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: Hey, This is California, where the crooks can sue their victims. I can be fired and anything I write I can be held responsible for, if the courts so decide. ____________________________________________________________________________ Christopher Kent Wigginton ckw@apple.com Apple Computer, Inc. AppleLink: C.WIGGINTON America Online: CWIGGINTON ___________________________________END______________________________________