[comp.sys.mac.misc] Display Postscript ?!?

ogawa@orion.arc.nasa.gov (Arthur Ogawa) (02/10/91)

I heard the news that Adobe maintains that they will not post DP to the Mac;
the Mac has ATM.... Meanwhile, TrueType will naturally be previewable on the 
Mac, but TrueImage? No, the Mac doesn't need that; the Mac has QuickDraw.

All this is pure speculation on my part of course. And pessimistic to boot.
But I just don't see Bill, John, John, and Chuck working together for the
benefit of the user too very well lately.

And there are significant technical problems.

One of the dire limitations of QD is its drawing space, limited to 2^16=
65536 pixels. In order to calculate said pixels to the accuracy of a high-end
imagesetter (ca. 3000 dpi), we're talking printing at 2.5% (not available
presently) and a page size of only 20 inches square. If, on the other hand, 
you work at 100%,  you're dealing with 72dpi resolution, inadequate for fine 
typography (my field). This is why, of course, all those DTP apps either
klootch their way around the Mac Print Manager with PICT comments (the comments
are PostScript code, executed in lieu of the QD code when a PS printer has been
chosen), or provide their own, incompatible software like PageMaker does.

One of the most dire limitations of the Mac Print Manager is md, more
commonly known as Laser Prep. The Macintosh Dictionary (or md) has the
job of interfacing the PostScript generated by the LaserWriter driver
to the PostScript interpreter. It is presumably this dialect of PS
that any DP would have to deal with. And, to tell the truth, md has a
well-acknowledged reputation among PS programmers as simultaneously
the most widely used bit of PS code and the most poorly written. A
possibly apocryphal story has it that the guy at Apple who wrote it
has permanent job security---nobody else can touch the code without
breaking it.

As so often happens, technical problems sprout up alongside political ones.
And they feed on each other and both get bigger.
In order for Apple to support DP, they would have to abandon their 
current posture that QD is their sole imaging model for screen and print,
they would have to allow a more powerful and accurate imaging model (PS)
to co-exist with theirs, and they would have to clean up md. 
Likewise, Adobe would have to get over thier snit (the rest of the way)
and bestow on the lowly Macintosh users that which they have bestowed on 
users of horsepower (read lucrative) products like NeXT, IBM RISC, Sun, 
Silicon Graphics, HP, etc, etc. There may be a more poetic, hyperbolic way 
of stating the point, but this just isn't going to happen anytime soon.

But if they did, they should take care of two glaring omissions in the
current implementation:

1. Apple should make it so that any file printed to disk (ie, command-F)
   would be an encapsulated PostScript file, suitable for placement in 
   another document. Or they should provide a Chooser-level driver for this 

2. Adobe should provide a better program than DrawOver---one that will
   work with any any PICT, not just the feeble few that Adobe picks.
   Or, more better yet, provide a Chooser-level driver that will allow 
   users to print from their application (whatever it may be) to a file
   that is openable by Adobe Illustrator, kind of an extension to (1).

Please, flames to me, not the net. 

MUSJJH@lure.latrobe.edu.au (02/11/91)

Ok, after wasting yet another hour juggling around by a single pixel
inorder to try and get the final image to be precisely what it is 
supposed to be....

How about a software emmulation of Display Postscript on the Mac?

Is this possible? 

Can Adobe produce this as the obvious step up from ATM?

Would this require a whole 3rd party OS?

Could Apple produce "optional" ROMs which included Display PS
for those willing to pay for it.

Even if this option were painfully slow, it would be invaluable for
the final proofing of documents.

Does Apple have plans to create a screen version of TrueImage?

Will we have to wait until Apple replaces the Mac to get real
fidelity in WYSIWYG?

Are there any NeXT users out there with insights upon how good the
NeXT implementation of Display Postscript is?

..........Well, I think that's enough concepts to bandy about for
one afternoon, let the discussion BEGIN!

Jason Hellwege					La Trobe Uni, Melbourne, Oz.

klingspo@holst.tmc.edu (Steve Klingsporn) (02/15/91)

I've never heard of such an Apple product, and I'm quite up on
Apple products.

For those of you who haven't seen System 7.0, TrueType, the font
architecture that scales both ON SCREEN and ON THE PRINTER -- on
devices of any resolution -- is wonderful.  The speed of such
scaling is much faster than ATM 2.0, and the "WYSIWYG" capabilities
of TrueType are wonderful -- it's much more accurate than ATM's
display -- and especially better than any display with "Jagged"
fonts that are "scaled (ha) by the OS"

Just to clear things up,

Steve Klingsporn

favorini-francis@cs.yale.edu (Francis Favorini) (02/16/91)

In article <12824@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU> klingspo@holst.tmc.edu (Steve Klingsporn) writes:
>I've never heard of such an Apple product, and I'm quite up on
>Apple products.

TrueImage is a Postscript interpreter clone due out any time now from
Microsoft.  (Bought up from Bauer, I believe.)  The hold up is
supposedly because Apple hasn't sent Microsoft the TrueType rasterizing
code, which will be incorporated into TrueImage thus allowing a printer
equipped with TrueImage to directly handle both Postscript and TrueType
fonts.  It doesn't (yet?) have the color and other enhancements found
in Adobe's Postscript Level 2.  I don't think it would be trivial
for Apple to incoporate a display version of TrueImage into the Mac OS.
I mean, if it were relatively easy, there would be talk of adding it
to Windows 3.5/4.0 or whatever, since they own the code.

It seems to me that it would make more sense for Apple and Adobe (and 
NeXT and your favorite computer companies [even Big Blue]) to jointly
develop a next generation display/printing standard.  Call it
TrueScript Level 3 or something.  Hey, maybe the specs could be
public domain, like a real standard.  Users win because WYSIWYG will
really be WYSIWYG.  The computer manufacturers win because they get
improved compatibility across platforms which makes buyers happy and
brings in more money.  What about Adobe?  Well, they could get screwed
if they're not careful.  What they have, however, is the best starting
point from which to build this standard -- lots of experience in coding
the stuff, both for printers and displays.  All that code is worth
something, and the amount they contribute to the final product could
certainly be reflected in license fees.

License fees!  That's what we hope to get rid of with TrueType, etc.
Well, the trouble is that Adobe is a software company not a hardware
company.  If hardware vendors get together and define a software standard,
they still each have there own hardware to sell.  If Adobe doesn't
get something for their software, they won't come to the party.  If 
they don't show, we don't have a unifying standard, because there
is too much PostScript already out there.

What's the answer?  I don't know.  But it probably lies in compromise,
the hobgoblin of standards committees.  Adobe should get something,
but not as much as they were getting before, and more than they
would get if they there are two or more competing standards.  I mean,
if you can get TrueType fonts for free, will you buy ATM?  Adobe
will definitely lose market share when TrueType really gets here.

Is it possible?  I hope so, because if it's done right, users win big
and the companies win, especially in the long run.  So, Apple, Adobe,
etc. don't be short-sighted.  Look beyond the quarterly reports into
the future of computing.  Sooner or later you'll have to make peace.


Disclaimer:  These are my own ramblings.  Scoff intelligently.

Francis Favorini					favorini@cs.yale.edu