[comp.sys.mac.misc] LaserWriter driver hacking

Adam.Frix@p2.f200.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Adam Frix) (02/17/91)

Paul Jacoby wrote the following in comp.sys.mac.something back in late 1989
about how to get the "disk file" checkbox to show up in the LaserWriter driver
version 5.2:

Well, I don't have the 6.0 LaserWriter driver to try this out, but there was
tip posted a while back (I'm not sure it was here) that points out the fact
that someone was thinking of us poor users.  There is actually a "Print to
Disk" check box in the LaserWriter 5.2 driver!  
hange in the window.

1.  With ResEdit, open the "LaserWriter" file.
2.  Find and open DITL #-8191.  This is the LaserWriter "Print..." dialog.
3.  Using the "DITL" menu, select item number 22.  You will not notice any
    change in the window.
4.  Without clicking anywhere else, select "Open..." from the File menu.  This
    will put up that standard DITL Item editing window.  You will notice that
   the bounding rectangle of this item is 0,0,0,0.  Change it to 0,0,20,60 or
    something like that.  Close the editing window.  You will notice that
behind the word "LaserWriter" in the upper left there is now a button
labelled "Disk File."
5.  Grab that button (actually it's a checkbox), move it where you wish, and
  adjust the size to suit your fancy.
6.  Close, save, yada yada yada

Now, when you want to "print to disk," you will be able to simply check the
"Disk File" box, click "OK," and kick back...

  This was posted in July, and re-iterated on a local BBS.  It works GREAT on
the 5.2 driver, and apparently the one just previous to 5.2.  As I say, I
don't have 6.0 to try it, but it might be worth a go.
  The big question is, of course, will THAT file include the LaserPrep?
I UUCP: {rosevax, crash, orator}!orbit!pnet51!pj I  Working with idiots keeps
I ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!pj@nosc.mil           I  my life interesting... 
I INET: pj@pnet51.cts.com                        I                         


It worked then just fine.  But those were the days of LaserWriter driver version
5.2 and ResEdit 1.x.  These are the days of LaserWriter driver version 6.0.2
and ResEdit 2.1.  As a public service, I thought I'd update the process a bit
for those pieces of software.  The basics are the same, but the details change

In step 3 above, I'd add the steps of choosing "show item numbers" and "show
all items" from the DITL menu.  This enlarges the box and will let you see just
where Apple hid item #22.  It's way up at the top left, almost ungettable. 
In fact, I had trouble grabbing it with my mouse.  I had to use the arrow keys
to move it down and over, just so I could see it better.  And it's not really
there like it was in v5.2; you must grab the handle at the top right of where
you see the number 22 and expand the box to uncover the checkbox and accompanying
text.  This might take a try or two.  Uncover the item just enough to make all
the text and checkbox visible.

Now, go back to the DITL menu and make sure you choose item #22 again (just
to make sure you're operating on the right item).  Select "Open as dialog item"
from the Resource menu.  Change the bounding coordinates to:

          top  49             bottom  65
         left 311              right 390

This will put the item nicely in line with, uh, whatever I put it in line with.
 Oh yeah, the Cover Page radio buttons.

And no, it doesn't seem to give Laser Prep information.

And for confirmation, the following information from len@cbnewsj.att.com (leonard.g.carr)
seems to be accurate (it worked for me, at any rate):

Thanks to Bill Jonhston for leading me to the answer (from the Help Desk in
the 10/23/90 issue of MacWeek)...

To change the default from color/greyscale to Black & White in the 6.0.2
version of "LaserWriter" use resedit to do the following:

        1) Open "LaserWriter"
        2) Open the PDEF ID=4 resource using the Hex editor
        3) Find the string (using command-f) "377C 0017 0004 7801"
        4) Change the "0017" to "0018"
        5) Save the changes and you are on your way.

        ,--,    ,--------, ,--,  ,--,           II Len Carr
        I  I    I  ,-----' I   \ I  I           II AT&T Paradyne
        I  I    I  `---,   I    \I  I           II 200 Laurel Ave., MT 2D-213
        I  I    I  ,---'   I  I\    I           II Middletown, NJ 07748
        I  `--, I  `-----, I  I \   I           II (908) 957-3571
        `-----' `--------' `--'  `--'           II len@mtdca.att.com

So there you are.

Disclaimer: your problems are yours, my problems are mine.

Adam Frix via cmhGate - Net 226 fido<=>uucp gateway Col, OH
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