[comp.sys.mac.misc] Aladdin Systems on StuffIt Deluxe

aladdin@well.sf.ca.us (Greg Friedman) (02/22/91)

***** Aladdin Systems, Inc. *****

To the Usenet community,

In light of recent discussions regarding the performance and features of
StuffIt Deluxe and the other compression utilities currently in use, we
thought we would contribute some suggestions for optimizing the performance
of StuffIt Deluxe.  We have also included some of our thoughts on the
nature of benchmark testing and methods of alleviating testing biases.
We are always open to feedback on our products.  We welcome direct e-mail
as well as open discussion on the net.  As one contributor pointed out,
it is discussion of the sort that is occuring that makes it necessary
for vendors to support and improve their products.  We acknowledge the
shortcomings of our product and are working to resolve them. Similarly,
we recognize the strengths of the StuffIt applications and support
utilities and want our users to be satisfied.  

Please feel free to direct e-mail to my attention.

Greg Friedman
Technical Support Director
Aladdin Systems

Optimizing StuffIt Deluxe:

90% of the time "Best Guess" will produce the same amount of compression as
"Better" in a significantly shorter time period.  Best Guess analyzes a file,
makes an educated guess on which compression algorithm will provide the most 
compression, and Stuffs.  Better actually runs through all of the available 
compression algorithms, determines the most efficient, and finally Stuffs.
Unless you absolutely need to shave a few K off of a compressed archive, go with
the "Best Guess" option.

The text, PICT, Photoshop, MacPaint, Sound and JPEG optimizers packaged with
StuffIt Deluxe can significantly reduce the size of archives.  Several of the
optimizers actually reduce compression time!!  Be aware, however, that the JPEG
and Text optimizers are "Lossy" optimizers. Familiarize yourself with each
optimizer.  Information on these options is in the Deluxe manual and the 
version 2.0 addendum.

Third: **Disable "Allow Background Tasks"**
Disable the "Allow Background Tasks" in the Preferences Dialog.  Unless you have
a specific need to Stuff and work in another application, we recommend not using
this option.  This can increase compression times up to 50%.

Thoughts on Benchmarks:

Perhaps the most pressing issue to consider when pitting products against one
another is objectivity.  Benchmark tests that speak directly to the strengths or
weaknesses of one of the tested products can produce impartial, biased results.
With this in mind, we have some suggestions for designing benchmark tests of
data compression products.

Stuff a set of files that is representative of files found on hard drives.  We
suggest breaking the set of files down into 10 categories:
	Word Processing	
	Database Files
	Plain Text
	Hypercard Stacks
	Page Layouts

Vary the sizes of files in each category.  Create archives of different sizes
and configurations.  Run each application in its optimal state.

As I said in the introduction, we are constantly involved in the process
of improving and updating our products.  Questions and feedback are 

Deer Park Center, Suite 23A-171
Aptos, CA 95003-4723

Internet:  aladdin@well.sc.ca.us    AOL: ALADDIN
AppleLink: ALADDIN		    CIS: 75016, 325
MacNet:    ALADDIN                  GEnie: ALADDINSYS