scw@cepu.UUCP (05/04/84)
There is a bug in conn.c such that if you have 2 systems with similar names (one name is different from the other by the addition of 1 or more letters [like: trwrb and trwrba]). If the longer name is before the shorter name in L.sys, when looking the system information up in L.sys finds(sysnam,flds) will *ALWAYS* return the entry for the first name in the file. The problem arises because prefix only looks for a prefix, not the full system name. the fix: At about line 496 in conn.c (15th line in finds(sysnam,flds)) replace: if (prefix(sysnam, flds[F_NAME])) fnd = 1; with: if (!strcmp(sysnam, flds[F_NAME])) fnd = 1; -- Stephen C. Woods (VA Wadsworth Med Ctr./UCLA Dept. of Neurology) uucp: { {ihnp4, uiucdcs}!bradley, hao, trwrb, sdcsvax!bmcg}!cepu!scw ARPA: cepu!scw@ucla-locus location: N 34 06'37" W 118 25'43"