[comp.sys.mac.misc] Booting

Greg@AppleLink.Apple.Com (Greg Marriott) (03/17/91)

In article <1991Mar17.041307.23955@cs.ucla.edu>, lange@lanai.cs.ucla.edu (Trent Lange) writes:
> Is there a way to get a "clean" boot of the system without inits or
> cdevs?  I.e. booting as if the only thing in the system folder were
> the System and the Finder.  This would be very helpful if the system
> fails to boot because of problems with one of the inits (a problem
> I am having now).  Any keystroke to do this?

Under 6.0.x systems you'll need some kind of INIT manager to do this.  Most
(all?) of them have a "disable everything" key.  Many INITs watch the
mouse button and/or the shift key and will not load if you hold either
of these while booting.  Some watch other keys (or don't offer a "don't
load" feature), so holding the mouse button or the shift key won't stop
them from loading.

Under 7.0, hold the shift key when you boot and you'll get "Extensions Off."
in the Welcome to Macintosh window.  "Extensions" means all the extra things
that normally get loaded when you boot, including: Macsbug, extensions
(formerly known as INITs) in the Extensions folder, control panels (formerly
known as cdevs) in the Control Panels folder, and any extensions/control
panels in the System folder.  Really useful if the last skanky thing you
downloaded decides to crash your machine when you reboot.

Good luck,

Greg Marriott
Blue Meanie
Apple Computer, Inc.

ds4a@dalton.acc.Virginia.EDU (Dale Southard) (03/18/91)

In article <1991Mar17.041307.23955@cs.ucla.edu> lange@lanai.cs.ucla.edu (Trent Lange) writes:
>Is there a way to get a "clean" boot of the system without inits or
>cdevs?  I.e. booting as if the only thing in the system folder were
>the System and the Finder.  This would be very helpful if the system
>fails to boot because of problems with one of the inits (a problem
>I am having now).  Any keystroke to do this?

Well, the easiest way I know of is to throw the "INIT cdev" into the system
folder.  It will allow you to deactivate all INITS at startup by holding down
the 0 key.  It is available from the sumex-aim archives.

-->  -->  Dale  UVa  (ds4a@virginia.edu)

ml27192@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Mark Lanett) (03/18/91)

lange@lanai.cs.ucla.edu (Trent Lange) writes:

>Is there a way to get a "clean" boot of the system without inits or
>cdevs?  I.e. booting as if the only thing in the system folder were
>the System and the Finder.  This would be very helpful if the system
>fails to boot because of problems with one of the inits (a problem
>I am having now).  Any keystroke to do this?

No, but you can add  yet _another_ init to do this. Try init-cdev (avail
from sumex in cdev); you can activate it at startup (hold space) and shut
off whatever you want.

If you are having init-conflicts you might want to use init-tracker to get a
report on what they are patching; it's also at sumex.


>- Trent Lange

>* UCLA: 1990 NCAA Football Champions (yes, the other kind).              *
>*       Oh yeah, 1990 Women's Volleyball Champions, too.                 *
>*       And even our cheerleaders are improving (they're all human now). *
Mark Lanett						ml27192@uxa.cs.uiuc.edu