[comp.sys.mac.misc] changing hard drive icon?

jmv@sppy00.UUCP (J. Vickroy +1 614 764 4343) (03/18/91)

Does anyone know of a utility which will change my hard drive's 
icon permanently? Or, where can I find it if I can do it with

Thanks in advance,


Jim Vickroy                               | Voice:       +1 614 764 4343
Development Technology Engineering        | FAX:         +1 614 764 2344
Online Computer Library Center, Inc.      | Internet:       jmv@oclc.org
6565 Frantz Road, Dublin Ohio, 43017-0702 | uucp:     osu-cis!sppy00!jmv

chai@hawk.cs.ukans.edu (Ian Chai) (03/20/91)

You can use facade, which I believe is available on Sumex/init.


tagreen@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (Todd A. Green) (03/20/91)

>>Does anyone know of a utility which will change my hard drive's 
>>icon permanently? Or, where can I find it if I can do it with
>In article <1991Mar19.184518.8230@hawk.cs.ukans.edu> chai@hawk.cs.ukans.edu (Ian Chai) writes:
>You can use facade, which I believe is available on Sumex/init.

Facade will not permanently change the icon that is stored on your
hard drive. It is an init and as soon as you take it out of your
system folder (or turn it off with INIT Cdev or similiar app ) your HD
will revert to it's old icon.

You might what to check the software that came with your HD that you
used to format it.  I know that my driver utilities for my Rodime
allow me to install different icons.

Todd A. Green   "<_CyberWolf_>"  ---> Pascal <- tagreen@ucs.indiana.edu
Unix Systems Administration      ---> Unix <--- tagreen@silver.ucs.indiana.edu 
Macintosh Systems Administration ---> VMS <---- tagreen@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
WCC Office:136.04 phone:855-0949 ---> C <------ tagreen@lothario.ucs.indiana 
"Friends don't let friends       ---> Mac <---- tagreen@iubacs.BITNET
 Use DOS" - Scott Ostrander      ---> SunOS <-- tagreen@lykos (FTP only)