[comp.sys.mac.misc] Mac compatible stuff wanted. DR DOS 5.0 for sale.

psg@philabs.philips.com (03/21/91)

I am looking to purchase the following stuff for a Mac project.

1. CD-ROM drive bare-bones SCSI (50 pin) with Mac drivers.  
2. SCSI tape drive 80-150 Meg bare bones.  
3. Rebuilt SCSI hard drive anything above 200 Meg.  
4. Functioning logic board from either a Plus or an SE
   or an SE/30.
5. Copy of Retrospect current version. Transferable license.
6. Minix for Mac and PC.
7. Any Neural Net development package Mac or PC. Transferable license.

If you have any of the above stuff in good condition that you'd like
to unload, drop me a line.

Ob-Sale for misc.forsale.computers.

Brand new shrink wrapped copy of DR DOS 5.0. $50 less than best
verifiable mail-order price.

Prabha Gopinath					Off. (914)-945-6539 (m/c)
Philips Research Laboratories			Res. (914)-736-3270 (m/c)
345 Scarborough Road				email: psg@philabs.philips.com
Briarcliff Manor,NY 10510			FAX: (914)-945-6375