[comp.sys.mac.misc] Norton $49 bargain

ccocswr@prism.gatech.EDU (Winston M. Rast (Mac user elite)) (03/20/91)

I've heard about this deal on Norton Utilities and would like to get in on
it.  Anyone know how to obtain this deal?

mouse@vaxb.acs.unt.edu (Dhanapong Saengrussamee-University of North Texas) (03/21/91)

In article <24731@hydra.gatech.EDU>,
  ccocswr@prism.gatech.EDU (Winston M. Rast    (Mac user elite)) writes:
> I've heard about this deal on Norton Utilities and would like to get in on
> it.  Anyone know how to obtain this deal?
> wmr
`alo, `alo!

Call 1-800-343-4714, ext. 712.
It is $49 + (some lucky 21 applicable) local tax + shipping.
(Coupon said,) Offer expires 5/1/91.
(Coupon said,) Valid only in the U.S.
(Coupon siad,) Void where prohibited.  (Where?  Could somebody tell me?)

Of course, I am not working/advertising for Symantec.  I am not even a
satisfy user of the product!  I just got the coupon in the mail and
ordered it on the 15th.  It is not here yet, though...

Live Long and Perspire!
__Mouse.o()~              | AppleLink: U1364 ------ BITNET: mouse@untvax
Dhanapong Saengrussamee   | BIX: d.mouse.s ------ Compu$erve: 71301,1516
Tech'Support, CECS & TCET | GEnie: d.saengrussa ------- IP:
University of North Texas | Internet: mouse@vaxb.acs.unt.edu ---- GMT -6
PO Box 5155 - UNT Station | UUCP: ...!uunet!ntvax!vaxb.acs.unt.edu!mouse
Denton, TX 76203-5155     | Phone: (817) 565-4435 -- FAX: (817) 565-4425

greg@enterprise.Central.Sun.COM (Greg George - Sun Area Project Consultant - Midwest ) (03/21/91)

The backlog for this special is overwhelming. The present backlog
is 5-6 weeks. Everyone that has ordered this product will
have to hang in there. (I checked with my order on Tuesday
and that is when I discovered the long waiting period).


In article <1991Mar20.203653.45865@vaxb.acs.unt.edu>, mouse@vaxb.acs.unt.edu (Dhanapong Saengrussamee-University of North Texas) writes:
|> In article <24731@hydra.gatech.EDU>,
|>   ccocswr@prism.gatech.EDU (Winston M. Rast    (Mac user elite)) writes:
|> > I've heard about this deal on Norton Utilities and would like to get in on
|> > it.  Anyone know how to obtain this deal?
|> > wmr
|> --
|> `alo, `alo!
|> Call 1-800-343-4714, ext. 712.
|> It is $49 + (some lucky 21 applicable) local tax + shipping.
|> (Coupon said,) Offer expires 5/1/91.
|> (Coupon said,) Valid only in the U.S.
|> (Coupon siad,) Void where prohibited.  (Where?  Could somebody tell me?)
|> Of course, I am not working/advertising for Symantec.  I am not even a
|> satisfy user of the product!  I just got the coupon in the mail and
|> ordered it on the 15th.  It is not here yet, though...
|> Live Long and Perspire!
|> __Mouse.o()~              | AppleLink: U1364 ------ BITNET: mouse@untvax
|> Dhanapong Saengrussamee   | BIX: d.mouse.s ------ Compu$erve: 71301,1516
|> Tech'Support, CECS & TCET | GEnie: d.saengrussa ------- IP:
|> University of North Texas | Internet: mouse@vaxb.acs.unt.edu ---- GMT -6
|> PO Box 5155 - UNT Station | UUCP: ...!uunet!ntvax!vaxb.acs.unt.edu!mouse
|> Denton, TX 76203-5155     | Phone: (817) 565-4435 -- FAX: (817) 565-4425

mouse@vaxb.acs.unt.edu (Dhanapong Saengrussamee-University of North Texas) (03/22/91)

In article <3275@texsun.Central.Sun.COM>,
  greg@enterprise.Central.Sun.COM (Greg George - 
    Sun Area Project Consultant - Midwest ) writes:
> The backlog for this special is overwhelming. The present backlog
> is 5-6 weeks. Everyone that has ordered this product will
> have to hang in there. (I checked with my order on Tuesday
> and that is when I discovered the long waiting period).
> greg

`alo, `alo!

Well, I ordered mine on the 15th and I just got it today, the 21st. 
The only thing that different (from some of you, may be) is that I
asked the lady who answer the phone to ship it express not the $5.00
shipping stated on the coupon.  But then again, it might be because my
ordered is placed in the front....

I haven't use or install it yet.  I am still reading the manual.  Yes,
I do read manual!  Sometime.  8^)

Here's again, the number....
> In article <1991Mar20.203653.45865@vaxb.acs.unt.edu>, mouse@vaxb.acs.unt.edu
>   (Dhanapong Saengrussamee-University of North Texas) writes:
> |> `alo, `alo!
> |> 
> |> Call 1-800-343-4714, ext. 712.
> |> It is $49 + (some lucky 21 applicable) local tax + shipping.
> |> (Coupon said,) Offer expires 5/1/91.
> |> (Coupon said,) Valid only in the U.S.
> |> (Coupon siad,) Void where prohibited.  (Where?  Could somebody tell me?)
> |> 
> |> Of course, I am not working/advertising for Symantec.  I am not even a
> |> satisfy user of the product!  I just got the coupon in the mail and
> |> ordered it on the 15th.  It is not here yet, though...
> |> 
__Mouse.o()~              | AppleLink: U1364 ------ BITNET: mouse@untvax
Dhanapong Saengrussamee   | BIX: d.mouse.s ------ Compu$erve: 71301,1516
Tech'Support, CECS & TCET | GEnie: d.saengrussa ------- IP:
University of North Texas | Internet: mouse@vaxb.acs.unt.edu ---- GMT -6
PO Box 5155 - UNT Station | UUCP: ...!uunet!ntvax!vaxb.acs.unt.edu!mouse
Denton, TX 76203-5155     | Phone: (817) 565-4435 -- FAX: (817) 565-4425