(Jim Gaynor) (03/28/91)
Well, the Apple Customer Assistance Center (ha!) proved utterly useless, so I'll bring this problem to the net: Set-Up: Macintosh SE/30 2mb RAM, 40mb HD System 6.0.7 Inits: Init CDEV 3.0, TrueType 1.0 Problem: I have the Helvetica TrueType font and the N Helvetica Narrow bitmap installed. When I select Helvetica, N Helvetica Narrow appears on the screen. (I haven't tested results on a printer). This occurs only in type sizes where the N Helvetica Narrow bitmap is available. Thus, with N Helv Narrow 12, 18, 20, and 24 bitmaps installed, regular TrueType Helvetica will erroneously display as N Helv Narrow at 12, 18, 20, and 24 point sizes, but will display correctly as TrueType Helvetica at all other sizes. Any ideas? -- Jim Gaynor - Systems Analyst 1 + "This is Serious. He is Lost. The Ohio State University ACS-FM-OCES | We must begin the Search at once." gaynor@magnus.ircc.ohio-state.ed | -Rabbit, from + "The House at Pooh Corner"