[comp.sys.mac.misc] Day Runner Pages

cordell@emx.utexas.edu (04/03/91)


About a month ago, someone posted a letter about an application that printed
Day Runner pages. I have lost the article and I don't remember who posted it.
If the original poster could contact me by e-mail, I would appreciate it.



starta@tosh.UUCP (John Starta) (04/04/91)

cordell@emx.utexas.edu writes:

> About a month ago, someone posted a letter about an application that printed
> Day Runner pages. I have lost the article and I don't remember who posted it.
> [...]

There are really two applications that can do this, depending on what you 
are looking to print. Both applications, which serve different tasks, are by 
Portfolio Systems.

If you just need your address-book printed for your Day Runner (or other 
personal-organizer), then DynoDex is probably what you need. On the other 
hand, if you want just about any document on an index card, 
personal-organizer or other smaller-than-standard page, then DynoPage is for 


John A. Starta        Internet: tosh!starta@asuvax.eas.asu.edu
Chief Technologist        UUCP: ...ncar!noao!asuvax!tosh!starta
Micro Orchard Co.          AOL: AFA John; CompuServe: 71520,3556