[comp.sys.mac.misc] LC and Apple IIe card, your opinion please

art@wciu.EDU (Art Nicolaysen) (04/16/91)

I'm planning to buy a Mac LC so that I can run Apple IIe programs 
with the IIe emulation card installed.  If you have already done this, 
I'd like to get some feedback from you as to:

* compatibility problems; I have been told by one dealer that I can 
only use Apple monitors (e.g., 12" color, 13" HiRes RGB).

* need for video RAM upgrade.

* need for 5.25" disk drive to read Apple IIe format disks.

* performance/non-performance of software; on LC + emulation card 
vs "native" Apple IIe.  

* your overall opinion of how the LC + card emulates a IIe.

* any experience with software emulations of IIe for Macs.

* other comments/polemics/advice.

		Thanks in advance, 

Art Nicolaysen          William Carey Int'l University (Global Mapping)
art@wciu.edu            Pasadena CA 91104