[comp.sys.mac.misc] Index of TidBITS#55/15-Apr-91

pv9y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (04/18/91)

Sorry we're a few days late. Couldn't be helped since
we were out of town until late Tuesday night.


Index of TidBITS#55/15-Apr-91

MailBITS/15-Apr-91 - Clarification and news from the 
people who know, TidBITS readers.

TechnoBITS/15-Apr-91 - The rest of the cool little 
notes on new technologies that I had stored up.

The LC's Hidden Secret - Yes, Virginia, you can hook a 
VGA monitor to your LC.

GigaGigaROM - How about a gigabyte of files on a 
CD-ROM that can be easily hooked to a Second Sight 

El Cheapo Modem - Psst. Hey, Mister, wanna buy a 9600 
baud modem for $169? Read on.
Adam C. Engst            (best)  ace@tidbits.tcnet.ithaca.ny.us
                         (also)  ace@tidbits.uucp
       	    (if all else fails)  pv9y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu
Editor of TidBITS, the weekly electronic Macintosh news journal