[comp.sys.mac.misc] Korean 1 meg simms are they bad?

mxmora@unix.SRI.COM (Matt Mora) (04/19/91)

I heard a rumor about korean 1 meg simms that they are not good for macs. Is
this true? They said something about that the chips will "burn up" the mac.
I need to know in a hurry because I have some simms for evaluation and they
are korean. I would like to know before I install them.



Matthew Mora                |   my Mac  Matt_Mora@sri.com
SRI International           |  my unix  mxmora@unix.sri.com

mcgredo@prism.cs.orst.edu (Don McGregor) (04/19/91)

In article <23373@unix.SRI.COM> mxmora@sri-unix.sri.com (Matt Mora) writes:
>I heard a rumor about korean 1 meg simms that they are not good for macs. Is

  Parts is parts.  Memory chips of a specific speed and capacity rating
  are commodity items. (subject to any fit problems, etc).

  I've been running Korean SIMMs in my Mac for a couple years with no
  ill effects.

Don McGregor             | Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.  
mcgredo@prism.cs.orst.edu| Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.