[comp.sys.mac.misc] Help:Changing a Mac's look and feel

sam@skybridge.SCL.CWRU.Edu (Sam Chan) (04/17/91)

Hello Netters,

   Got a bunch of questions from a friend of mine down in
Fort Meyer who does not have net access. My SE at home has
lots of neat little inits, cdevs and rdevs (yes, it is very
stable). He wanted some of these cool PDware, so I
downloaded a few to him. Wrong, big time problems. I hope
you guys can help. Please Email to me and I'll call his 800
number. Thanks in advance!

My friend has the following system configuration:

Mac IIci w/ 4MB RAM, 80MB HD SuperMac Spectrum 8 w/19 inch
color monitor System 6.0.7, 32-bit QuickDraw TOPS 3.0 (and
related TOPS inits and cdevs) init cdev 3.0, SunDesk 1.1,
kolor, ATM 2.0, SuperMac monitor cdev Suitcase II 1.2.9,
Type Reunion, SoundMaster 1.6

His questions:

1) He would like to run the cdev "Black Box" which puts a
NeXT/Motif like application task strip on the side of his
monitor. (I am currently using it but it is a bit flakey and
considering trashing it.) His ci bombs with no predictable
pattern when he runs MacDraw II, FreeHand, MacWrite II and
other types of drawing/painting applications with this cdev.
The other ci in his office does not bomb to the extent of
his. The only difference is that the other ci has 8MB of
RAM. Can anyone suggest what is causing the problem? Is
there another PD/Shareware init/cdev/application that has
the launch function? (Suitcase II's software bundle had a
crippled version of Power Station but he thinks $59 it is
too much to pay for the full version). He did not like the
applicaiton _Launch that I ftp from Umich for him.

2) He would like to get a backdrop for his 19 inch color
monitor. I download the inits !deskpict and thors to him and
he can't get them to work (I'm glad he has an 800 number 8-)).
Is there another PD/Shareware color backdrop init/cdev
for his 19 inch monitor? Backdrop has worked great on my
SE's 9 inch but he wants color and a full 19 inch backdrop.
He works for the Fort Meyer New Press, a color daily metro
newspaper (yes I'm trying to get a job there!), and has
access to a great number of AP and Garnett (USA Today)
info-graphics and photo for a backdrop.

3) Sundesk 1.1's manual refer to an extention (?) to ResEdit
call ResColor. It states that the extention is availble from
on-line services. I couldn't find it at sumex nor umich.
Does anyone know where it is, or am I just blind?

4) He would also like to change the look and feel of his Mac
windows to something like the Motif/X-windows for the Sun
and the NeXT. The PD cdev Following did not work and the
WindChooser cdev was not satifactory. Is there any others
around besides buying the Now Utilities package for about

   In case Andrew Welch who wrote Black Box 1.5 is reading.
We really like the concept of the docking strip and the
screen saver, the built-in clock and all of the additions
But the cdev is a bit flakey. Is it due to 6.0.7? We would love
to keep it but it bombs too much (specially when you are on
deadline at a daily paper!!!)

+++++  Sammie Chung Yu Chan                             +++++ 
+++++  ...{decvax,uunet,sun}!usenet!skybridge!sam       +++++
+++++  sam@olympus.scl.cwru.edu                         +++++
+++++  JOURC350@ksuvxa.kent.edu                         +++++
+++++  The Daily Kent Stater -- "We do it daily..."     +++++
+++++  100 Taylor Hall / KSU /Kent, Ohio 44242          +++++
+++++  Sammie Chung Yu Chan                                               +++++ 
+++++  ...{decvax,uunet,sun}!usenet!skybridge!sam                         +++++
+++++  sam@olympus.scl.cwru.edu                                           +++++

dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (04/20/91)

  There is a CDEV called Windows, or something like that, which lets
you select what type of window style you want to use, plus it moves
the gadgets around. Another lets you drag a window from any part of the
border (that's the one I like to use).

    David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN  Tomas Arce 
           Any students from SUNY Oswego? Please let me know! :)

                   Un ragazzo di Casalbordino, Italia.