[comp.sys.mac.misc] Using BinHex 4.0 / 5.0

jphillip@en.ecn.purdue.edu (James C Phillips) (04/25/91)

     Could someone out there in net.land tell me EXPLICITLY how to convert
the binary files such as on comp.binary.mac or in mac.archive.umich.edu or
any of the numerous other sources??

     I am using MacKermit to connect to UNIX, and I have both BinHex 4.0
and 5.0 on my Mac.  I've tried various approaches, but I always seem to wind
up with some crazy 'document' that tells me that the 'application is busy
or missing'.

     I've tried uploading as binary, and as text, but I mustbe doing something
seriously wrong.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

   __            ___    _                        | Jim Phillips
  / /. ____     (/__) /_   .  /) /) .  _   _     |   jphillip@en.ecn.purdue.edu
 /_/_)_) ) )_   /    /  )_(__(__(__(_ /_)_/_)_   | Santa Cruz, CA
  /            (                     (           | W. Lafayette, IN

		"Because once or twice is good for you soul."
				-Oingo Boingo, "Good For Your Soul"

   __            ___    _                        | Jim Phillips
  / /. ____     (/__) /_   .  /) /) .  _   _     |   jphillip@en.ecn.purdue.edu