[comp.sys.mac.misc] 200 lines of new files at the mac.archives

dauter@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Michael Dautermann) (04/26/91)

Hi folks.... so far I've had about 20-30 letters.. it's been running
about 3/4ths favorable, 1/4th against.. I need more input on whether I
should be announcing the new files available on the macintosh archives
at U-Michigan here on comp.sys.mac.misc...
Anyways, since I haven't posted a list in a while, I took an hour and 
dug up the correct paths, pasted them into the file, et al..  Here are
200 lines of new files available on mac.archive.umich.edu (
As before, the first file name (e.g. FO/SAINT2) is the filename in the
archive site on um-mts.cc.umich.edu.. the second filename is the correct
path to the file on the mac.archive.  Hopefully, we'll get a 00recent list
started soon, so this whole thing can be automated and I won't need (or want)
to waste bandwidth telling you about new files.  

If you see anything on Compu$erve or GEnie or anywhere else that you'd like
to see put on the Internet, PLEASE feel absolutely free to "ftp-put" a 
stuffed/binhexed copy of the file into the "incoming" folder in the
archive.  And if you have any questions or comments, please feel just as
free to send me email.. I try to respond to all email in a few hours after
I receive it....
 FO/SAINT2        62      4/15/91   BinHex 4.0, Compact 1.3
               Sizes:  18 & 24.
               True type version of the St. Francis font
               (also known as the San Francisco wacky font..)
 look under /system.extensions/font/truetype/saintfrancis.sit.hqx
 FO/ARCHI2        70     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, Compact 1.3
               Sizes:  18, 24.
               Truetype version of the Architect font.
 look under /system.extensions/font/truetype/architect.cpt.hqx
 UT/PRINTPICT     13     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               This chooser document allows you to print pages into
               pict files.  It also allows you to print into the
               clipboard as a pict file.  V 1.2
 look under /utilities/print/print2pict.sit.hqx
 GR/CERTMAKER     60     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, Compact 1.3
               Design certificates using a mac-paint like
               interface, a selection of borders and seals and
               you various fonts/styles/sizes. 
 look under /graphics.sound/certificatemaker.cpt.hqx
 HC/GETSUMEX      12     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Generates an FTP script you can use using your
               Unix account.  You can use this small stack
               to retrieve the latest files from sumex-aim/info-mac.
 look under /hypercard/getsumexlist.hqx
 HC/IMPEXPORT     56     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, Compact 1.3
               A Hypercard 2.0 stack that makes exporting and 
               importing text into hypercard easy.  Use this 
               to import while choosing fields, backgrounds,
               order, etc.
 look under /hypercard/importexport.cpt.hqx
 CO/CONVERSE     117     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               You show your friend a wild new Artificial Intelligence
               program...  he types something in, the mac writes
               back something profound.  Wooooo.. impressive. 'Cept
               we know you have a friend doing the typing on 
               another mac on the network. 
 look under /utilities/communications/converse.sit.hqx
 HC/CASSLBL       32     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Print out Cassette Labels for your mac.  Includes
               fields for titles, comments, date, dolby usage,
 look under /hypercard/cassettelabel1.1.sit.hqx
 SO/DEHQX         56     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1  UT/
               The Pascal source code to the
               DeHqx utility.
 look under /development/source/dehqx1.05.source.sit.hqx
 UT/DEHQX         32     4/15/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1   SO/
               Designate a folder (or heck, you can do a file too),
               and this utility will un-binhex the whole thing
               in the background (or the foreground, if you don't
               have multifinder).
 look under /utilities/compressionapps/dehqx1.05.sit.hqx
 UT/FLOPLOCK      18     4/15/91   BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Allows you to use the software lock/unlock feature.
 look under /utilities/disk.file/floppyunlock1.01.sit.hqx
 UT/LAUNCH        36     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Lets you have a NeXT-like dock of applications which you
               can easily flip back and forth by just clicking on the
               appropriate icon.  Useful only with MultFinder.
               version qc b5.
 look under /utilities/multifinder/launchqcb5.sit.hqx
 UT/FILEEDIT       5     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Using system 7.0 and up, you can change the 
               default application a "text only" document
               will open up (currently teach-text) when a
               creator i.d. can't be found.
 look under /utilities/developerhelps/fileedit.sit.hqx
 FO/FLEURONS     230     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Sizes:  10, 12, 14, 18, 24 & 36.
               Printers flowers (fleurons) modeled on those
               found in John Rydes "A Suite of Fleurons"
               (most dating from the 18th century). 
               Truetype font includes ESPF (Illustrator) file
               listing the characters and suggested uses.
 look under /system.extensions/font/truetype/fleurons.sit.hqx
 CDEV/PASSWRD     17     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Simple startup password cdev.  It gives you four 
               guesses and then shuts off your mac.  You can edit
               the dialog boxes and password within the control
               panel.  V 0.96
 look under /system.extensions/cdev/password0.96.sit.hqx
 CDEV/PRNTAID     42      4/17/91   BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Ever get annoyed because you can't "spool" things to
               your Imagewriter (or non-Laserwriter) printer while
               in Multifinder?  This isn't a spooler, but it does
               free up your Mac while printing so you can use other
               applications.  Needs system 6.0.4 or up.
 look under /system.extensions/cdev/printaid1.1.sit
 FO/GOUDYHUN      81     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Sizes:  10, 12, 14, 16, 18 & 24.
               Another Goudy font, based on his Bertham type
               face.  Full u/l case... very classic and 
               elegant.  Truetype font.
 look under /system.extensions/font/truetype/goudyhundred.sit.hqx
 FO/POLOSEM2      95     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Sizes:  24, 36 & 48.
               Same as above (FO/POLOSEMSC).. a complete typeface
               with lots of "brush-stroke" type swashes.  Includes
               Type One font, bitmap suitcase, AND Truetype 
 look under /system.extensions/font/polosemi.sit.hqx
 UT/PASTEIT       71     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               A multi-finder appropriate utility that allows you
               to create "post it notes" for your mac that stay
               on the screen where you put them (as opposed to the
               yellow post it notes scattered OUTSIDE your screen).
               You can save these notes to a file or print them. V 1.0
 look under /utilties/organization/pasteitnotes.sit.hqx
 DA/QUILL         27    4/17/91     BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Very handy DA which lets you look at Text, WriteNow,
               MS Word 1.0, 3.0 & 4.0, and MacWrite I & II files so 
               you can check out the documentation of that new 
               program without having to actually leave it. 
               You can even peek at imbedded Picts, too.  V 2.0.2
 look under /system.extensions/da/quill2.02.sit.hqx
 FO/RUDEL2       111     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Sizes:  18, 24, 36 & 48.  Just like above 
               (FO/RUDELSBERg).. a woodface type font.  This has
               both the Type I font file and a Truetype suitcase.
 look under /system.extensions/font/truetype/rudelsberg.sit.hqx
 UT/SAVETREE      59     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
                Very useful program that prints out text documents
                in side by side format, or four pages to a page
                (four different options to choose from), helping
                to conserve paper.  You can add a Pict into the
                background, too, for effect.  V 1.5
 look under /utilities/print/saveatree1.5.sit.hqx
 FO/FURIOTIT      67     4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Sizes:  10, 12 & 24.
               Upper case only type one font (with two 
               suitcases.. one possibly Truetype??).
               Font resembles tall semi-gothic letters.
 look under /system.extensions/font/type.one.fonts/furiotitling.sit.hqx
 GR/GIFCONV      220      4/17/91    BinHex 4.0, Compact 1.3
               View Gifs and then save them as Tiffs, ESPF,
               Paint, Startup Screens, etc.  V 2.2.6.  Handy
               set of tools to go with this utility.
 look under /graphics.sound/gr.snd.utilities/gifconverter2.26.cpt.hqx
 HC/CATSTUFF      25     4/18/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Hypercard stack that catalogs all of the files on
               all of your floppy disks.  It treats StuffIt & 
               Compactor files as folders and includes buttons
               for find, sort, "read disk" new and kill (delete) card.
               V 2.0.
 look under /hypercard/catstuff2.0.sit.hqx
 UT/GESTALT       22     4/18/91    BinHex 4.0, StuffIt 1.5.1
               Displays the values of the Gestalt parameters (in 
               Systems newer than 6.0.4).  As the author says: "Here
               are the Gestalt values, you'll have to figure out 
               what they mean yourself." 
 look under /utilities/developerhelps/gestalt2.0.sit.hqx
 FO/ANDESITE      52     4/18/91    BinHex 4.0, Compact 1.3
               Size:  48
               Type one font of upper case/numbers tall, 
               20's style letters.  Knockoff of Letraset's
               Plaza typeface (formerly known as Playboy).
 look under /system.extensions/font/type.one.fonts/andesite.cpt.hqx 

 UT/FONTCASC       9     4/18/91   BinHex 4.0
               Shows outline fonts at sizes larger than 127 points.
               (Useful when testing ATM/Truetype fonts).  Also allows
               you to open suitcases and test fonts. 
 look under /utilities/font/fontcascade.hqx
Mike @ ccs.itd.umich.edu
(  (  ( ( (( in stereo )) ) ) )  )
Mike Dautermann - U-M Ann Arbor, Dearborn and the WORLD!!