[comp.sys.mac.misc] Connecting Canon BJ10e with Mac

yumi@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu (Hiroyuki Yamamoto) (04/28/91)


I have a Canon BJ10e bubble jet printer for IBM PC compatible, 
as you know, which has same mechanism as Apple's StyleWriter 
except for the interface.

I would like to connect this BJ10e with my Mac, what kind of 
hardware and softwares are necessary? And are they compatible
with Macintosh applications, MSWord, MacDraw, ATM and/or TrueType?
Please send your information to me by e-mail.

Any information would be appreciated.

#    Hiroyuki Yamamoto            Internet: yumi@mcrcim.mcgill.edu #
# McGill Research Centre for                                       #
#    Intelligent Machines                                          #
# McGill University                                                #
# 3480 University Street          Fax:      (514)398-7348          #
# Montreal, PQ, Canada H3A 2A7    Talknet:  (514)398-8205          #
#    Hiroyuki Yamamoto            Internet: yumi@mcrcim.mcgill.edu #
# McGill Research Centre for                yumi@canon.co.jp       #
#    Intelligent Machines                                          #