[net.bugs.4bsd] Bug in nroff

seth (09/09/82)

hp-pcd!seth    Sep  8 17:49:00 1982

Does anyone know why nroff with the -me package in 4.1bsd generates ESC-9
near the bottom of some pages?  Does anyone know how to turn this off?
Thanks for any information.

--Seth Alford
HP Corvallis

ARPAVAX:mo (09/14/82)

Why do you get ESC-8 and ESC-9??

Because you didn't tell nroff about any other terminal
type (or specified a non-existing one!) and nroff defaulted to
Teletype Model 37!!!  The driver table for the venerable old 37
uses its half-line motions to make the page number look nice.
The moral of the story is ALWAYS specify a terminal to nroff.
Additionally, I have modified our at LBL to complain if you 
specify a non-existing table.  The distributed version silently
reverts to Model 37.
