pv9y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (05/07/91)
Index of TidBITS#60/06-May-91 Reviews/06-May-91 TechnoBITS/06-May-91 - A new fractal compression technique MailBITS/06-May-91 - On a personal note, if you are in the Seattle area, please send me email. Thanks! Also, news about a chip theft, DOS utilities that don't work with System 7.0 yet, and a letter from John Sculley to George Bush. Less-Than Prodigal - The latest scandal surrounding Prodigy ROM Rumors - More rumors surrounding ROM upgrades along with a new product that will make them unnecessary. Well, not quite. Data-PCS, Please - Want to express support for Apple's proposed wireless networking scheme? Here's how. -- Adam C. Engst (best) ace@tidbits.tcnet.ithaca.ny.us (also) ace@tidbits.uucp (if all else fails) pv9y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu --------------------------------------------------------------- Editor of TidBITS, the weekly electronic Macintosh news journal