[comp.sys.mac.misc] Mac 80MB HD Seeking

CAH0@bunny.gte.com (Chuck Hoffman) (05/10/91)

I have a Mac-IIcx with an Apple internal 80MB hard drive.  Lately, I often 
hear the sound of the disk seeking tracks which goes on without end until 
I do something like opening a desk accessory.  The seeking often begins 
when starting a program or moving/copying a file from one folder to 
another.  The system keeps running, though much slower.  What is this 
problem, hardware or software?  I'm running 6.0.7, created from original 
distribution diskettes, and the Apple Disk First Aid and HDSC Setup 
programs both say the disk is okay.  I have also reformatted the disk and 
restored it from floppies (using DiskFit).  No weird INITs.  Using Virex, 
Disinfectant, and DiskLock (files/folders only), all current releases.

Chuck Hoffman, GTE Laboratories, Inc.    |  I'm not sure why we're here,
cah0@bunny.gte.com                       |  but I am sure that while we're
Telephone (U.S.A.) 617-466-2131          |  here, we're supposed to help
GTE VoiceNet: 679-2131                   |  each other.
GTE Telemail: C.HOFFMAN                  |