[comp.sys.mac.misc] Stuff for sale...

psherman@acsu.buffalo.edu (peter d sherman) (05/13/91)

	Hello fellow netters. I have the following items for sale :

(there's a lot more after this page, so keep reading)

Metrowerks Modula-2 StartPak (Manual and Original Disk for Macintosh)
           - One pass optimizing compiler
           - Generates native 68000 code
           - Examples
           - Various library modules, graphics routines, etc.
           - Original Disk has never been written to or modified in any way

I paid $41.00 (not counting tax) for this a few months ago. Now it can be
yours for the paltry price of $19.95, which includes shipping and handling.


	AND, for you Amiga owners :

You can be the proud owner of one original disk of :

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

No box or manual (but it explains itself pretty well). Make me an offer. Best
offer over 6 bucks gets it. Shipping and handling included.


	AND, I have the following books for sale. Shipping and handling is
included in the price, and you don't have to pay me anything until you get
the book, and are satisfied. If you aren't, send it back, and the postage
is on me. If you need descriptions of any books, send me a note. If you 
think the price I'm asking for is too high, yell at me (via e-mail). Well,
enough talk, here's the list :

Title      : C The Complete Reference, Second Edition (softcover)
Author     : Herbert Schildt
Publisher  : Osborne McGraw-Hill
(c) Date   : 1987, 1990
Pages      : 823
Condition  : New 
Ret. Price : 28.95
Sale Price : 19.95
Title      : DataPerfect Workbook Version 2.1 (softcover)
Author     : WordPerfect Corporation
Publisher  : WordPerfect Corporation
(c) Date   : 1989, 1990
Pages      : 312
Condition  : New, but my name and address are written in the front cover,
                  and pages 147 & 148 aren't printed
Ret. Price : 20.00
Sale Price : 12.95
Title      : Local Area Networks : Architectures and Implementations 
Author     : James Martin
Publisher  : Prentice-Hall
(c) Date   : 1989
Pages      : 365
Condition  : New
Ret. Price : 45.80
Sale Price : 24.95
Title      : Management Information Systems : A Contemporary Perspective
Author     : Kenneth C. Landon
Publisher  : Macmillan
(c) Date   : 1988
Pages      : 749
Condition  : Cover has bands that say "used". Cover is in good shape though,
             and all pages are brand new & not written in.
Ret. Price : ??.??
Sale Price : 22.95
Title      : Perfecting DataPerfect : A Comprehensive Guide to Using 
                                      DataPerfect (softcover)
Author     : S. B. Harper
Publisher  : WordPerfect Corporation
(c) Date   : 1989
Pages      : 328
Condition  : New; cover looks moderately used, even though it isn't bent
                  or dented.
Ret. Price : 24.95
Sale Price : 15.95
Title      : Programming in C (softcover)
Author     : Stephen G. Kochan
Publisher  : Hayden Books
(c) Date   : 1989
Pages      : 445
Condition  : New
Ret. Price : 24.95
Sale Price : 15.95
Title      : Solutions in C (softcover)
Author     : Rex Jaeschke
Publisher  : Addison-Wesley
(c) Date   : 1986
Pages      : 254
Condition  : New; but 1-inch black magic marker line accoss outside bottom
                  of book. Pages and cover are spanking clean though.
Ret. Price : 17.95
Sale Price : 11.95
Title      : Structured Computer Organization, Second Edition (hardcover)
Author     : Andrew S. Tannenbaum
Publisher  : Prentice-Hall
(c) Date   : 1984
Pages      : 517
Condition  : Good condition, all pages are clean.
Ret. Price : 42.72 (used)
Sale Price : 22.95
Title      : Unix and Xenix Reference Guide (softcover)
Author     : Greg Dykema
Publisher  : Abacus Books  
(c) Date   : 1988
Pages      : 208
Condition  : Slightly used. Pages and cover are clean.
Ret. Price : ??.??
Sale Price : 6.95
Title      : Unix Networking (softcover)
Author     : Stephen G. Kochan
Publisher  : Hayden Books
(c) Date   : 1988
Pages      : 400
Condition  : New; bottom of book has two very slight black marks.
Ret. Price : 29.95
Sale Price : 22.95
Title      : X Window Application Progamming (softcover)
Author     : Eric F. Johnson
Publisher  : MIS Press
(c) Date   : 1989
Pages      : 562
Condition  : New
Ret. Price : 24.95
Sale Price : 17.95

psherman@acsu.buffalo.edu // My opinions are strictly my own... :-) //////////