[comp.sys.mac.misc] System heap?

drewster@orion.oac.uci.edu (Andrew T. Laurence) (05/14/91)

I was reading in the latest MacUser about HeapTool and it seemed to be a good 
idea for my Plus.  I FTP'd it, and tried it out, but a couple of wierd things

When running Multifinder, it seemed to have no affect whatsoever.  However, 
when running Finder, it seemed to work as described in the magazine.  (ie  
Finder w/o HT described as about 256k in "About Finder", but Finder w/ HT
had something like 600k + the 128k I'd prescribed.

What's the deal?  Am I correct in assuming that MultiFinder managed the system 
heap anyway, and that HT is only useful under Finder?

Please email back.

Andrew Laurence