(Geoff Hill) (05/24/91)
Hello, I am using an SE/30 4meg RAM with an Apple Scanner. Connected to a LaserWriter II via AppleTalk. I am having numerous problems when it comes to printing graphics scanned and saved at 150 or 300 dpi using pict or tiff format. The graphic is scanned and saved. The graphic is then copied into an application such as PageMaker 3.02 or Word 4.0. Everything looks great on the screen. When it comes time to print, the hassles begin. The left and right hand side of the graphic become transposed. I have been able to fix it by deleting the graphic from the document and then pasting in A new copy from the original scan. This will print OK, but other scanned graphics now print transposed. I have tried several applications and all have the same problem. Has anyone else had these problems or know of a fix for it ? Thanks in advance, Geoff Hill. Frustrated scanner user.