[comp.sys.mac.misc] 130 lines of new files at the mac.archive

dauter@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Michael Dautermann) (05/25/91)

Hi folks... you haven't seen one of these in the past two or so weeks..
a lot of files have indeed been added to the mac.archive at the
University of Michigan (that's, mac.archive.umich.edu).

The index/abstracts file is still being worked on... I think we have
some type of interesting set up now, and we're working on the format
that would be easiest for a database program to use.  In the listing
below, you'll see the first (MTS-style) filename.. which is where
the file can be found on the old site (um-mts.cc.umich.edu,
The second filename (e.g. /mac/utilities....) is the mac.archive
path name...

If you see anything interesting out on the internet or in your travels
through Compu$erve and GEnie, please take a bit of time and upload them
to the incoming folder and I'll get to them as fast as possible.

Thanks!   Michael.....
 UT/EDIT2         68     5/20/91    BinHex4.0,Stuffit1.5.1
               Edit II is an alternative to the standard "Edit"
               application, this one allows you to perform searches
               using "find/replace", you can have up to four
               documents open at once.  The numeric lock button is
               enabled so you can use the keypad for either cursor
               movement or numbers.   V 1.2.1
 UT/PRETTYC      123     5/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.3
               This utility is used to print out source files for C
               programs.  You can scan for files with various
               function and also specify what kind of font & style
               you want them to be printed in.  Comes with extensive
               (10 page) MSWord 3.0 docs and a handy init that
               allows you to print in Pretty C from Think C. V 1.43 
 GA/GLYPHA2      252     5/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.3 
               A new version of Glypha for Mac II in glorious,
               16 bit color.  Full screen effects with the sphinxes,
               giant flying eyeballs, mummy's hands, etc.  V 1.0 
 HC/METHODS      113    5/20/91     BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
               XFCNS and interface cards to solve math problems
               that are difficult to analytically solve.  You 
               can solve diff. eq's, matrices, interpolations,
               root solving, linears, etc.
 INIT/WORDTT       5     5/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
               Fixes a problem with Microsoft Word (versions 4 &
               up) with TrueType fonts and quickdraw-based
               printers (such as StyleWriter and Personal 
               Laserwriter LS).
 UT/PICMEUP      44      5/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.3 
               Displays Picts and plays an associated sound.
               It's useful as a startup application that 
               can display information a student/user might
               need to know.
 LA/XLISPSTAT    717     5/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.3
               An environment for statistical computing and dynamic
               graphics based on a dialect of Lisp called XLISP.
               Includes a few sample files.  Two "disk" folders
               are in this package.. the XLispStat version in 
               Disk1 is designed for Macs with coprocessors, 
               a second version for those without is in the Disk2
GA/ROBOBCLR      492     5/20/91    BinHex4.0,Stuffit1.5.1
               The same game package as GA/ROBOBATTL (RoboBattle)
               but includes color and routines to make the game
               faster on a Mac II. 
 DEMO/STRKJET    593     5/24/91    BinHex4.0,Stuffit1.5.1
               Strike Jets includes a simulation of a dog fight,
               as well as aerial combat.  You take "turns" and
               then decide on a new strategy.  Use a radar? Incoming
               missles?  Evasive action?  V 2.0
 GA/BRIDGE       123     5/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.3 
               This is a utility program that allows clubs to
               saves scoring rotations, prints out a 
               recapitulation sheets for up to twenty table
               games.  Version 2.0
 CDEV/XMGR        21    5/23/91     BinHex4.0,Stuffit1.5.1
               A new way to manage to those cdevs and inits. 
               Designed for use with System 7 (though it works
               fine with systems 4.2 and up...).  Direct from
               Apple, Inc. to you.  Version 1.0.
 FO/INKWELL       39     5/25/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.3 
               Sizes:  12, 24, 36 & 48.
               Type one "hip" '60's style typeface. 
               Thin top and thick (bell?) bottoms for this
               upper/lower/number case font. 
        FO/MAIDSTONE     35     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.3
               Sizes:  12, 24, 36, & 48
               Type one tall, thin script cursive with upper
               and lower case numbers and letters. 
 CDEV/INITLOD    32      5/25/91    BinHex4.0,Stuffit1.5.1
               Appropriate for use with System 7 and up, loads
               extensions (cdevs/inits) from different folders
               and aliases (including other network volumes).
 GA/3DTICTAC     105     5/25/91     BinHex4.0,Stuffit1.6
               Another version of 3D Tic-Tac-Toe... 2 skill
               levels...  you can print out copies of your
               impressive game, as well.  Pay a tiny shareware
               fee and unlock other neat options.  V 1.0.2 
 GA/MACCRIB     90       5/25/91    BinHex4.0,Stuffit1.5.1
               The MacCribbage card game, where the object is 
               to beat the mac and reach 131 points first. 
               A few options here, such as automatic/manual
               pegging, plus you can save and open old games. V.8
Mike @ ccs.itd.umich.edu
(  (  ( ( (( in stereo )) ) ) )  )
Mike Dautermann - U-M Ann Arbor, Dearborn and the WORLD!!