[comp.sys.mac.misc] Stupid Questions

soeryant@frith.msu.edu (05/29/91)

Please forgive my ignorance. I am using a Mac SE/30 and running MacOS System
6.0.3. I'm thinking of upgrading to Sys7. Question: Besides the obvious
like TrueType Fonts (versus my ATM 2.0) what other benefits do I get? I am
thinking primarily of MultiTasking. Is there an appreaciable increase in
performance as compared to MultiFinder 6.0.3?       

Thanks for your kind answers. If necessary I'll summarize and post it here
for other poor souls like me.

Herr Soeryantono

gillies@m.cs.uiuc.edu (Don Gillies) (05/30/91)

This morning I did some testing of system 7.0 and system 6.0.7.  Here
are the results:

Mac II CMS PRO-80 (quantum Q280 disk drive), no PMMU, AppleColor RGB
monitor & card, no INITs, no CDEVs, no Apple Menu Items, black/white
mode, no startup screen.

System 		Boot time.
7.0		20 seconds
6.0.7		5.5 seconds

Given that you can run a "TrueType" init in system 6.0.7, I am
considering going back to the earlier system.  If I ever want to test
buggy software the 20-second turnaround time will be long indeed.

edgar@function.mps.ohio-state.edu (Gerald Edgar) (05/30/91)

>System 		Boot time.
>7.0		20 seconds
>6.0.7		5.5 seconds

Do you have "Appleshare" or other Appletalk extension?  And are you not
connected to a network?  If so, there is a long delay on startup
while the computer waits for the network to respond.  You can get the same
effect with 6.0.7 using the Responder INIT.
  Gerald A. Edgar                Internet:  edgar@mps.ohio-state.edu
  Department of Mathematics      Bitnet:    EDGAR@OHSTPY
  The Ohio State University      telephone: 614-292-0395 (Office)
  Columbus, OH 43210              -292-4975 (Math. Dept.) -292-1479 (Dept. Fax)